Updates as of 5.21.16

Updates!!! So much has been happening of late that I thought even those of you who don’t receive my newsletter may want to know what I’ve been up to.

Most recently: I went to Portland! The nubile and buxom Numina Faye consented to join me on my Portland Venture. It was what I would consider a success but I’ll still be trying different timing next time. I went Monday through Thursday and I think next time I’ll try Thursday evening through Monday and see what changes. Our lovely hostess shared her home in absentia and we enjoyed her hot tub, enclosed and screened off from the neighbors; I don’t think we wore clothes almost the whole time we were actually home. The only problem was that I wanted to get some great photos and all I got was the one ‘selfie’ after she let me give her the simplest of manicures.

I’ve had emails sitting in my inbox from as long ago as February and I sincerely apologize both to my potential clients and my pocketbook. Anyone sending me an appointment request will meet with the professional skills of Rose, my new Email manager. I wanted to say something so no one is too terribly surprised. I still look at it and I will continue to answer any social missives (as best I can). Those of you who feel seriously uncomfortable with someone else being involved can reach me via my private phone number you received in my directions but I do not save phone numbers so you will have to identify yourself every time and give me some context and even then no promises. She and I are still working out scheduling kinks so please bear with us but so far things have been sleek and smooth. This means that new friends and those looking for closer to last minute appointments will be better attended, something I have begun to slack on because…

I’m becoming more of an activist and community organizer!! I’ve begun helping with SWOP (the sex workers outreach project, reached via www.SWOP-SEATTLE.org) and some of their outreach and activism as well as simply gathering an intimate group of colleagues and evolving my own view of my work. More to come there.

I’ve had some major family upheaval including weddings, moves, and some very interesting conversations. My family is quite conservative and sometimes their political leanings pain me but they are truly good people, the kind of Christians I imagine Christ himself would gently, lovingly accept despite their flaws. Very much the Samaritan, not-stone-the-woman types. My family exposure reminded me of a book I heard of recently: Chester Brown’s ‘Mary Wept at the Feet of Jesus’. One of my beloved clients gave me the opportunity to read Brown’s graphic novel while in Portland and it sparked a few interesting thoughts. As a former Protestant my religious education was long running and pervasive. Brown’s religious education is far more in depth and less About studying the Bible alone versus studying it along with all the things that have been said about it. There are several things I would have changed, first among them being the placement of his extensive notes. The cartoons are unimaginative and disengaging, particularly for some one who knows the stories already. They may have been more engaging first, if they were simply more; more dialogue, more images, etc and second, if they were preceded or immediately followed by his analysis. That analysis was by far the most interesting part of the volume. I loved the succinct yet thorough analysis of parables and stories and his theory regarding Matthew’s genealogy was certainly intriguing, but overall the book as a form of entertainment was kind of blah. I still plan to read his memoir, ‘Paying for it’ because it’s a client story which I am so interested in. He’s a Christian who voluntarily and, it sounds like, respectfully saw sex workers for over a decade and wrote about it; how can I not want to read that!?!

Aside from that the only major updates are: things are good. Life is good, business is good,the weather has been weird but before that it was good, the future looks good, everything looks pretty, well, good 🙂 Thank you, as usual, for being part of the good.

Oh, and Old Cowboy has made it safely through surgery and is at home, still recovering but in good spirits! 🙂

Musing on family and religion

After a week of arguing politics and religion with my ultra conservative yet oddly welcoming family, I found the mention of Chester Brown’s new graphic novel particularly interesting. It appeared on my Twitter feed and I read a few short articles about it. It’s called Mary Wept Over Jesus’ Feet and it’s look at biblical texts from the perspective of a religious historian. It appears to challenge quite a few mainstream assumptions, most intriguingly the one where Jesus’ feet were his actual feet, not his cock. Jesus spent his time among people such as I, preaching ‘why can’t we all just stop killing each other?’ I, personally resonate with the story of Christ’s life and with much of the biblical wisdom set side-by-side with racism and mysogyny; an alternative look at the biblical stories would be both interesting and refreshing. Hint to a certain tome manager ;-P

My recent socializing with my family brought back all sorts of memories and feelings from when I was growing up. I once again feel incredibly fortunate to be accepted by my family, at least the ones that matter, despite my opposing viewpoints. My mother and I, in fact, enjoy rousing discussions with one another, always learning from each other and ending every disagreement with a reinforcement of our love and respect for each other. I sometimes feel bad for everyone else watching because my mother is very well read and self educated and I am very quick to leap from idea to idea so our dialogue is constantly evolving, staying on an idea long enough to explain it but moving faster than many of my family members can follow. I also love that she absorbs ideas and lets them churn over time so she will revisit something we talked about six months ago and have new insights to share.

That perception is also dangerous; she knows me so well that she strongly suspects the true nature of my work. I wish I could invite her to see it from my perspective, to acknowledge the healing and meaning I often find and give in my work but to her she sees only destruction, deceit, shame, and the slow surrendering of my soul.

I’m. Not sure why I’m sharing this. It’s quite personal and if she read this… Hi, Mom. I hope you read the rest of my blog, too, and I hope it opens your eyes to my world. My beautiful, weird world full of adoration, kindness, authenticity, joy, anger (at laws keeping me from doing good while doing well), and fear (that I will be found out and all I’ve worked for will be lost.)

Frequently Asked Questions/ Policies

Update as of May 31, 2018: Most of this information is up to date but for the most recent information you’ll want to go to www.amiepetite.com/faqs


Everything you need to know should be on this page. Please read it in its entirety before sending your initial contact. Breaking or even strenuous bending of any restrictions is grounds for immediate termination of communication or session in progress.

Q: Who are you?
A: I am a 26 year old bodywork professional who provides a sensual and intimate touch with therapeutic aspects as well as entertaining conversation and companionship. I do NOT provide full service or ‘french’ finishes.

Q: How can I meet you?
A: Email me with your name/nickname, something interesting about yourself, and screening information and I will get back to you when I have completed screening to my satisfaction or if I need more information. You can find an example of what your first email could look like on my contact page

Q: Where will we meet?
A: I have a private studio set aside for us in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. Specifics will be provided once an appointment is confirmed.

Q: When can we meet?
A: My regular hours are ten to six on Sundays, ten to noon Tuesday’s, eight to five Wednesday’s, eight to two Friday’s, and occasional Saturday evenings. Monday and Thursday are my days off. Up to date availability can be seen on my contact, rates, and calendar page. Please reserve requests for alternative times to travel restrictions or old friends.

Q: What will we do?
A: We will chit chat a bit to get to know each other, then I will invite you onto my massage table where I shower you with soft caresses, kisses, and some therapeutic bodywork, among other things. I also provide unscented bodywash to cleanse yourself after our experience.

Q: what do you expect of me?
A: I expect you to be polite and responsive. Polite meaning following my lead, placing the donation in an obvious place early on in our encounter, arriving freshly showered or accepting a shower upon arrival, and just generally behaving well. Responsive meaning I like to know you are enjoying yourself and if not, why. I appreciate and gracefully accept feedback if you wish to give it.

Q: Do I need to be worried about viruses, infections, or diseases?
A: There is a risk through skin-to-skin contact of transmission of some skin infections and diseases. I reduce that risk by sanitizing all points of contact in between visitors and covering any scratches/injuries on my person with a liquid bandage seal. I am also extremely conscious of ‘cross-contamination’ and where our hands have been and will be. I also have regular health checks with my Primary Care provider to assess risks of communication or transmission. I appreciate your concern for our health and ask that if you have any skin issues, please let me know. I will never shame you or express disgust, I will simply avoid the area.

Q: How do you feel about gifts?
A: I love learning about people. What they decide to gift tells me something new and interesting about me. If you need some hints or help, see my blog post www.divinadaemon.com/thoughts-on-wishes/

Q: May I touch you?
A: I invite respectful touch above the waist and below the knees. Any other mutual interaction is at my discretion and is not to be expected.

Q: Do you ‘speak other languages’?
A: I do enjoy taking you to the cool lands of Mother Russia, but other languages are beyond me.

Q: Why haven’t I heard back from you?
A: I respond to emails in the following priority:
-Scheduling requests from screened individuals. Bonus if you are requesting a time listed as available on my calendar.
-Scheduling requests from new friends that are complete in introduction and information
-Scheduling requests that are for more than a week from receipt
-Scheduling requests that have complicated requirements, have incomplete scheduling information, or require a look into dates and times outside my regular hours (emails with combinations of the above may not be responded to at all).
-Social emails
If you fall into the above categories, please be both patient and persistent. I sometimes will read and forget to respond to an email. If it has been more than a few days, please feel free to send along a gentle reminder.
-Anything obscene, rude, or suspicious will not be responded to under any circumstances.

Q: Do you have alternative Screening?
A: I have two methods for screening
1) Two current providers will vouch for your identity and character. Both providers MUST have some screening process of their own. Meet and greets, phone calls, or some sixth sexy sense are not acceptable
2) Your first and last legal name and willingness to produce a photo ID. I will perform a short, absolutely non-invasive check of your online presence and will confirm your ID in person upon your arrival.
No other methods of screening afford me the feeling of safety I need to feel confident in what is often a compromising situation.

Q: Will you come to me?
A: I will not. I spend a great deal of time and energy creating a safe and sensual place for us. It would take so much time and energy to create that space somewhere else that I wouldn’t have any left for you! If you need time before or after to warm up or cool down, social time is available for 50/hh.

Q: What if I’m running late?
A: Please let me know as soon as you find out if you are running either late or early. The more time I have to plan, the more smoothly any hiccups are dealt with. You can either email or text me. Please do NOT call me.

Q: What if I’m early?
A: Early arrivals should wait either in a parked vehicle, in one of the nearby coffee shops or restaurants, or in the lobby of my apartent building. If I have not yet told you I am ready DO NOT come to my door. I do not wish you to stand in the hallway and if I am not ready I will not let you in. If you have let me know you have arrived and I have replied that I am ready, feel free to come up early but ONLY after I have told you I am ready.

Q: What if I have to cancel last minute?
A: A lot of that depends on how soon you let me know.
-If you give me more than 24 hours notice, that’s it. We can reschedule when you’re ready.
-With less than 24 hours, I ask that you put up with an extremely annoyed Christina. Books (SciFi or nonfiction), delicious snacks (cured or cylindrical meats, dark chocolate, etc.), wine (any white except Chardonnay), or pretty lingerie (size 6/small or 32DD) are appreciated appeasements.
-With less than 12 hours please expect to add a little extra to the donation next time we meet. Minimum suggestion: 10% of what it would have been had we met.
-If you cancel with less than an hour’s notice expect to add 25% to the donation next time we meet.
-If you simply don’t show up, I will require a 50% cancellation fee as well as full deposit on our next appointment. Amazon gift cards work great for that.
(Exceptions to these policies may be made for extraordinary circumstances.)

Q: Do you do duos?
A: I love to engage in the art of three way sensual touch. Please inquire as to partners and occasions.

Q: May I have ‘multiple cups’ during our session?
A: Yes and no. We can take five or ten minutes near the beginning to clear the pipes, as it were, so you may enjoy a more prolonged experience later on. This is best for the young and the deprived who take only a moment to start and finish that first time and who desire increased staying power. If you are looking for a high energy, sustained tension experience, you may want to book one of my high octane session. Reserved for established friends.

Q: May I bring toys?
A: During our first encounter, please feel free to tell me about toys you enjoy using or having used on yourself. I am willing to experiment with what you bring but will not purchase toys, nor will any be used on me in our sessions.

Q: Are you fetish friendly?
A: Yes, in that I love learning about alternative sexualities and am happy to talk about them. No, in that I am poorly equipped in temperament for role play or BDSM activities. You would be better served elsewhere.

Q: Do you offer prostate massage?
A: Yes, I provide gloved PM. I will follow your lead as to timing and duration. Please be aware that unusually tall gentlemen may be better served in this elsewhere; I have rather short fingers.

Don’t see a question? Just ask 🙂 I may wait until we are in person to answer it, but I’m happy to.

Happy 2016!!!

My resolutions are to start riding my bicycle again, save more than I did in 2015, and travel. I hope yours are equally possible, bring you joy, and that you reach them. Best wishes and have a happy new year!

Updates and Rambles

New post! First substantive post in ages and I apologize to those who attempt to follow my blog for the total lack of updates over the last little while. Classes have kept me busy enough that my free time has been spent in mindless game mode and also staying up too late and being sluggish in the morning.

You may have noticed some updates to my website. I have removed the policies/procedures page and added an FAQ page. I feel the informality of FAQs serves me better than the intimidation of a formal policies page. It is a fine line to walk between inviting the shy to participate fully in a sensual and entertaining experience and discouraging those feeling as if their special snowflake qualities allow them to ignore, bend, or attempt to break my comfort zone. The vast majority of you do not fall into this category. I can assure you, if you enter my space with anticipation but no expectation, you are not among the benders or the breakers.

I have also made some changes to my rate structure. Because of the convenience and general awesomeness of my new incall, I am happy to roll out a 60 minute sensual touch experience. I have been on an evolutionary path towards being a therapeutic massage practitioner and in that journey I began to focus more on the deep tissue therapeutic massage than the lighter, more teasing sensual aspect. I realize that it takes different strokes for different folks and so I am beginning to (continuing on the evolutionary trend) diverge in session type from one common ancestor to two general descendants: FBSM and FBST.

When I think Full Body Sensual Massage, I think a quiet room, soft music, dim lighting, and firm strokes stretching and kneading the tension from your back, legs, and shoulders. There is a moment (or ten ;-P) of sensual contact between two bodies, one atop the other, pressing our selves together in tranquility and mounting arousal, then a release and a slow descent, all in the atmosphere of quiet, dim calm. The social aspect is downplayed or reserved for before/after and the arousal and release are part of the relaxation therapy, not the focus of the session. Your responsibility in this session is to relax and allow yourself to be pampered and treated, as you richly deserve. In order to address your entire body fully, without rushing, I find ninety minutes is the least I can manage.

When I imagine Full Body Sensual Touch, I think of giggling, moving, back and forth between teasing and tickling, flirtation, sustained arousal, interaction, and more vibrant energy. I imagine sharing a drink and a huge hug, lots of kissing and perhaps some hot grinding. It’s all about full body contact between two people restricting themselves to their teenaged experiences of fumbling enthusiasm and ‘chaste’ activity. I feel the naughty delight of holding ourselves back and taking pleasure in touch, wherever it may lead.

Keep in mind that these are two descendants of the same session. There will always be shared characteristics between the two, but I have (finally) realized that there are two very different ‘vibes’ for two very different sessions. I am able to create either experience and a range of experiences in between, I only need to know which suits your mood better. You can always change your mind or combine aspects of both, there are no hard and fast rules here.

As always, social time either on the couch or in the little cuddle closet (the one at the new place is much smaller, more like a ‘lounge closet’ so be aware) is always an available addition before or after at 50/hh. I highly encourage social time before a therapeutic session to give your mind time to clear. I also encourage you to consider ‘dessert’ first as the endorphin release can be a great assistant in the relaxation response. I’m developing a case study idea involving the benefits of release before/after therapeutic touch to enhance relaxation effects. I’ll publish more once I get it solidified and hone the techniques I need to accurately track progress. I’ll be soliciting volunteers once I get the experimental design ready 😉

This blog post started with this thought, then I derailed it with my updates. In any case, I hope you enjoy my mind rovings 🙂

Are you a spiritualist or a skeptic? I ask because the explanation which makes sense is different for the two, but the outcome is the same.

For the spiritualist: We are connected deeply to each other and feel each other’s energy flows. We pick up on signals our bodies give each other and those signals, those first few signals we send each other, dictate in a great deal how we relate to one another. If our energy comes from a place of reservation, shyness, or insecurity, we convey that fearful energy to those we meet. We tell them we are afraid and make ourselves vulnerable to them. If we carry strong, confident energy, we send signals that people respond to. This is why leaders can be wrong, evil, ineffective, and contradictory yet we follow them regardless: they carry strong, confident energy and it overwhelms our own. Their spirit captures ours and subjugates it in small and big ways. By projecting our own strong energy, we can counteract that effect and allow ourselves to step back from a situation’s energy and make decisions based on thought and reason.

For the skeptic: There was a time in human history when we were not able to speak. Communicate, yes, but form words or language, no. In order for a highly social species to cooperate and survive, we relied on cues from motions and body language in addition to what vocalizations we could create. Those subtle cues are present to this day but because we rely so heavily on words and voices, we forget the impact nonverbal communication has on our instinctive responses. When we encounter someone taller and larger, we already assume a subordinate role. Those who find themselves often in this position establish habitual compensating behavioral patterns such as loud speech or emotional shields or a tendency towards victimhood. When we encounter someone who holds their head high and their shoulders back in proper posture we respond to their posture of authority. If we can consciously change our posture and nonverbal signals to project images of intelligence and authority, the instinctive reaction we experience are those of deference and respect. Of course that’s not all there is to it, but similarly to the pleasure response we feel even from imitation laughter, the image we project will change the responses we attract.

Anyway, just riffing on an idea I had while reading one of my school’s books.

Speaking of books: I recently finished “At Basilisk Station” and another book I’ve already forgotten. I’m swinging in my lazy/motivated cycle more towards the motivated side so hopefully we will see more updates as time moves on. We shall see ;-P

First Contact

If you’re unsure how to begin your initial email, or are unclear about what to include, here is an example of a first contact that covers everything I need to know


My name is Max and I’m a Seattle local and sparse hobbyist. I love what you’ve written and would like to spend some time with you. I like Science Fiction, too, but totally disagree with your analysis of that one book. I’d love to talk with you about it and maybe have some fun too ;-). I see you have time available next Sunday at one. I would love to meet you then. If that doesn’t work, maybe a Tuesday afternoon would.

My references are So-and-so; she will remember me by the funny hat I wore and because we talked about her dog’s upcoming haircut. Her email address is prettylady@gmail.com and you can find her website at www.sexysoandso.com. I also know such-and-such. We met two days before the Fourth of July and we talked about the intricacies of Chinese foreign policy in the context of a grassroots social movement. I also wore a funny hat, but a different one. Her email address is otherprettylady@gmail.com and you can find her most recent ad at postplace.weebly.otherprettylady.com


My full name is Maximus Maleleus and you can find my LinkedIn profile/facebook page/businass profile at the following link: www.romansoldiersareawesome.com and I would be happy to leave my driver’s license out for you to check when I arrive at your incall.

Looking forward to getting together soon


You are free to add as much as you wish, but deleting too much isn’t a great idea. This will streamline the process and make our communication much smoother.

Update long overdue

Good day my dears and my most sincere apology fort he long hiatus. Between school, moving, and just generally staying busy, blog posting has fallen by the wayside, along with letter writing, scheduling with any sort of timeliness, and standing in the rain wondering what it all means. I have not abandoned my blog, I merely need to work on my time management.

Classes have been going well, though it seems that drivers around here forget that rain makes for slick roads and still drive as if they were slinkies hooked to the bumper of the preceding car. There are some intersections near my building that I want to do some stealth line painting to direct traffic so people don’t drive like self-entitled idiots (something I am occasionally guilty of myself). But this isn’t about traffic or weather, this is about updating my blog and sharing some more thoughts with you all.

Tonight is the Halloween party for the review board. I’m planning on being only moderately indecent, so don’t feel you’ve missed out too much if you can’t go. Perhaps there will be another valentines party and you can join us then. In any case, I’ll try to get a photo of my costume for members viewing pleasure 🙂

The move is official. I started signing the 69 pages of leasing paperwork yesterday and will be moving out of the old place this Wednesday and into the new place the following Wednesday. I do have a backup location in the interim so aside from my regular days off and moving days, I am still available to get together during my regular hours.

For those of you who have submitted email addresses to the mailing list: I apologize. You did it right, I have simply not yet established an easy and reliable method for composing and distributing information. I have some ideas, I simply have to get around to doing it. I will post about it when I eventually get it up and running. Thank you for your patience.

Posting at all was inspired by a mental rant I was running through on the bus this morning, but it’s been so long I hate to reintroduce myself with a blast of negativity so let me just say thank you each of you who meets with me with a sense of humor, opennes, lack of expectations, and willingness to form a healthy and mutually pleasing relationship. The overwhelming majority of my gentleman friends are exactly that: gentlemen. You are warm hearted and enthusiastic without being pushy or expectant. You are appreciative and caring without hanging doubts or guilt anywhere near us. You validate my need to help and to care for, whether it’s a touch you’ve been missing or long conversations about life and spirit or just a few hours where you don’t have to make any decisions, you make me feel good to make you feel good. I deeply appreciate that and I want to thank you.

I hope your Halloween is wonderful and I will try not to let such a long time elapse next time.

Thoughts on Wishes

There is a saying: “If wishes were fishes there’d be no room in the ocean for water.” I like old adages like that. Simple, but layered with meaning. On the surface it decries wishing, intimating that it is a waste of time but when you think about it, it is also an encouragement to do instead of simply wish for. Instead of filling the ocean with too many fish, work for what you want.


That being said, unexpected gifts are always nice. I’ve noticed that people often prefer buying for others to having things bought for them. Perhaps my sample is skewed, or perhaps in this day of consumer madness, people already have what they want but still like to buy things and so enjoy buying stuff to give away. In the context of you and me, perhaps you’d like to buy something in order to see me wear it. (I’m a size six or small in most clothing items including shoes and panties. Bra size 32DD. You know, in case you were wondering). Maybe you like to read and have a book sitting on your shelf you’d like to share. Perhaps you’re a tech guru and want to show off some new gadget. You might wish to take me to dinner or give me a gift card so I can take one of my girlfriends. Perhaps you’re not sure what to get but have an impulse to give a little extra, to show that you had a little extra fun this time. I hope if you choose to give me something nice it is something we can share such as a bottle of sparkling wine, some fresh fancy cheese, or a cute little number I wear special when you’re around.


If you like directions and suggestions, here are some places I like to eat at:

Purple Cafe and Wine Bar

Ethan Stowell locations

Tom Douglass locations

Whole Foods (gift cards make grocery shopping much less painful)

I also occasionally review places I’ve been on my Trip Advisor Account


I like great, expensive food and so the places I like to eat are often on the higher end of the spectrum. I can’t say the same thing for my clothes. I prefer second hand stores because current fashions are not flattering to a woman who isn’t waifish. I have noticed that I can wade through racks and racks of high end clothing and find perhaps one item I like. In a second hand store or at a garage sale I fill my arms with clothes and they all become my new favorite. That being said, I do like to turn over my wardrobe on occasion and when I do I usually hit one or two of the following.

Victoria’s Secret

Buffalo Exchange

Target (I kid you not, their panties are amazing)

Ross (for shoes and dresses mostly)

Banana Republic

Butch Blum


And for miscellania: I can always use candles, unscented or otherwise, and I’ve been looking around for a good candelabra or taper candle holder. If you stumble across something interesting and elegant that holds tapers, even if it’s just one, I’d love to add it to my candle collection 🙂

Bed Bath and Beyond is always a good bet, be it pillows, fuzzy blankets, dishes, music, or kitchen supplies.

Sur La Table is my preferred place for kitchen gadgetry

Lover’s Lair or Babeland gift cards are ALWAYS welcome

I’ve recently delved into collecting attractive things to wear. The best ones are quite indulgent. I’ve been intrigued by but not yet able to justify buying from one or more of the following:

Morgaine Faye (Portland gothic jewelry maker who creates perfect wearables for my assistant, Rose)

Artas Usuwil. Not all of it, though, the brilliant and the dark, the simple and the elegant.

Oru, if she ever did bracelets. But I love the system and the work.

Freeland Spirits makes an absolutely to die for Gin but it might be hard to find because they’re small and in Portland.

And of course good old Amazon. You can get practically anything there. Amazon gift cards prepare me for my late night bouts of intoxicated purchasing. A great pastime, actually, I highly recommend it ;-P The only gift more all purpose than Amazon gift cards is straight cash and at that point it’s not as much a gift as a tip. Which I suppose is also a gift. But whatever, you know what I mean.


As always, these are suggestions. As with most people, I won’t say no to gifts but I don’t expect them. It is all about what might bring you pleasure. For some people it’s having someone spank them for an hour, for others it’s giving gifts.


As always, I appreciate your attention and care and I hope to see you soon




My Amazon Wishlist
A taste of what I like to wear -VS

A Patron of the Arts

I mentioned this once, on TRB, after Adelle used the word ‘patron’ to describe the gentlemen who call on us. I find it a particularly apt word to describe our situation: I, the artist, create a space for you, my patron, to find calm relaxation, acceptance, the joy of release, and intellectual stimulation while enjoying sights, smells, and sounds of beauty and sensuality. You become not only benefactor but beneficent. Your patronage allows me to create that atmosphere for you much as the artist’s patron allows the musician to invest time and energy in creating works of aural art, the sculptor to bring life to clay and stone, the painter to capture and preserve deep emotion.

I mentioned before that the economic exchange between courtesan and client often makes one or both parties uneasy. When I first began, I found myself struggling to ask for even the lowest rates. To a young woman accustomed to wage slavery and plagued by undervaluation it took the insistence of others and a great deal of market research to discover what I might ask for and it still took several occasions of positive reinforcement for me to feel comfortable. After a time, I adjusted what I asked for as I felt more confident in my skills. I have changed what I offer as part of my art and have settled in a place that I feel comfortable.

I realize that in a traditional patronage it is often only one patron for one artist but I doubt any one person could or would be able to truly release me from more mainstream wages. In order to distribute the burden I and many others have several patrons. Also in traditional patronage it is not hourly but a stipend assured for as long as the artist is in the good graces of her patron and even then it is often variable. I find that arrangement unfavorable because it establishes a power dynamic that leaves me indebted to my patron while I prefer it to be an equal exchange on each occasion.

Despite the superficial differences, the meaning is the same. Your patronage frees me to create a space for you both physically in my studio and mentally. You free me to experience and share, to develop interesting ideas, to read books and mull them over, to help you reach comfort and bliss. You, my patron,  free me to practice my art.

Happy New Year

Welcome to the great wide world of twenty fourteen. Recap:

After two months of research, I dove headfirst into the world of hobbying and loved it. I met the most delicious and intelligent men, was treated to delightful places and experiences, and found myself giving pleasure and joy to the gentlemen of Seattle. I have also met a few of the ladies of the area and found them beautiful, intelligent, strong women with drive and culture that it has been my deep pleasure to get to know. My personal life has been a whirlwind of friendships made and lost. My closest friends have all been aware of my nontraditional hobby and discussion between an active provider and laypeople has been lively. Some people are amazed, some disdainful, some cautiously intersted, some indifferent, and some enthusiastic. There was even a short time when a rumor flew around my work place that I was *gasp* an escort! But no, that’s impossible, a girl like that: so nice, not into drugs and so happy couldn’t possibly be something like that! With the help of friends we explained it away as my activities as a stripper getting blown out of proportion but at the same time I found it interesting that my best defense against this ‘rumor’ was that I didn’t fit the stereotype. I don’to fit the stripper stereotype, either, but that’s somehow not really scandalous around here. I found the whole situation almost laughable. I know it’s not the majority perspective, but safe and healthy sex in a professional setting is not something to be ashamed of or horrified by and while I can laugh it off, most people cannot.

My personal relationship with my partner has been an interesting one as well as we work through expectations. Of course I’ve finally given in to the appeal of the older man and over the course of the year have deceloped a deep relationship with one of my closest friends. My friend, confidant, lover, and on point man have rolled into one. Developing a compromise between my work and our relationship has been a journey. I remember sitting on the floor after a delightful drunken evening talking so passionately about this work that I began to cry. It felt so right, so simple and easy to make people just feel better. To be able to make someone feel like the only man in the room, the center of my world, if just for a moment. Over the course of the year I’ve become more sure of myself, more comfortable with boundaries. The community I found is so incredibly supportive which I’m sure is ironic considering the reputation sex work carries. I am, however, not surprised by it. The men I choose to pleasure are men who enjoy both mental and physical pleasure. Those I wish to see regularly offer a relationship that is reciprocal in many ways, not just one. Enjoying that lifestyle and emotional intimacy while at the same time maintaining a strong relationship with a life partner who is unused to a sexually open lifestyle is a journey. We call on each other for support and for balance. His methodical caution has tempered my impulsiveness while my care free attitude has drawn out a willingness to compromise and modulate emotional responses. Tanuki had some good things to say as did Sarah Nicole when I asked about open and polyamorous relationships: open and honest communication between all involved and willingness to compromise is critical. Over the last year I have had ample opportunity to practice both.

What have I learned from all this? I have learned to have a mind and heart open to people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. The young and stupid part of me that put so much value on superficial aspects is gone and good riddance. Do I like to look at nice looking people? Yes, but that is no longer a factor in my sexual choices. I have learned to make and enforce boundaries both with my body and with my time. I remember an occasion, several years past, when I was sad and alone, angry and vulnerable, and I did things I regret. I gave him head, nothing I regret in principle, but the circumstances and the person involved made all the difference. It’s actually a kind of funny story, but the circumstances surrounding it are more awkward and sad than anything.Nothing like that will ever happen again because I know better now. Dozens of people and events reinforce my self awareness and my surety. It has long been a motto of mine that I should never regret anything later that I did not regret while I was doing it. (My other motto is: only interact with penises attached to awesome people. I’d say I have about ninety five percent success rate on that one.) This time there was an overtone of regret; I liked neither what I was doing nor why I was doing it. I have never felt that way in my professional activities nor in my current partnership and I feel like that is something remarkable about 2013.

In academia I completed the necessary work to obtain my real estate license and so the with new year comes a new chapter in my professional life I am both eager and nervous to explore. What this means for my hobby activities is that my schedule will shift and may be unpredictable. I will keep my calendar up to date as best I can, of course, but you’ll have to forgive me if it is occasionally incorrect. It also means I may not be able to offer public social time in the future but that decision is pending.

Cheers! To a new year with new friends and new challenges!