First Contact

If you’re unsure how to begin your initial email, or are unclear about what to include, here is an example of a first contact that covers everything I need to know


My name is Max and I’m a Seattle local and sparse hobbyist. I love what you’ve written and would like to spend some time with you. I like Science Fiction, too, but totally disagree with your analysis of that one book. I’d love to talk with you about it and maybe have some fun too ;-). I see you have time available next Sunday at one. I would love to meet you then. If that doesn’t work, maybe a Tuesday afternoon would.

My references are So-and-so; she will remember me by the funny hat I wore and because we talked about her dog’s upcoming haircut. Her email address is and you can find her website at I also know such-and-such. We met two days before the Fourth of July and we talked about the intricacies of Chinese foreign policy in the context of a grassroots social movement. I also wore a funny hat, but a different one. Her email address is and you can find her most recent ad at


My full name is Maximus Maleleus and you can find my LinkedIn profile/facebook page/businass profile at the following link: and I would be happy to leave my driver’s license out for you to check when I arrive at your incall.

Looking forward to getting together soon


You are free to add as much as you wish, but deleting too much isn’t a great idea. This will streamline the process and make our communication much smoother.