Maturity, Wisdom, Experience

I’ve always known that the mainstream narrative around sex work isn’t the most common narrative. The stereotypical escort is one of two types: victimized, forced, abused, drugged, etc or money-grubbing, twenty-something with fake breasts and disdain for her clients. While both types exist, it is far more common, particularly here in Seattle, to see a variety of backgrounds, demographics, and motivations.

Personally, I’m a sexually explorative, monogamous in my personal life, twenty something who wears little makeup, lives a relatively middle class life, and spends her free time cooking, knitting, and socializing with my civilian friends. I’ve met ladies from all over the spectrum, everywhere from the unreliable and functional addicts to the meticulous elite. The latter is far, far more common. A question was asked recently, one that I’m proud to know comes from my community. The question was ‘Who are the ladies over 40 here in Seattle?’ and the answers were overwhelming. There is a link to the thread at the end of this post so you can see for yourself who made the list.

A few things struck me about this question, the first and most reassuring to me is the sheer volume. Out of the say 200 independent providers that regularly participate in this community there are over 20 specific names in that thread. That’s a huge percentage. Huge! And they’re all over 40! Perhaps it’s this community that attracts a higher number of mature women but I firmly believe that it’s not an accident. Several of our local legends didn’t even get started until their thirties and over the last decade(s) have established themselves as highly sexual, intelligent women capable of a wide range of desirable characteristics such as intelligence, experience, empathy, reliability, assertiveness, and of course great ball handling skills 😉 I am hopeful that I can one day join the ranks of the mature lady legends of Seattle’s sexy underground.

The second striking realization was that I regularly ask many of these ladies for references. A few leaps of logic tell me that I am attracting gentlemen who usually stick with the more mature (and by virtue of age, more experienced and intelligent) providers. That I can command a certain amount of interest usually reserved for those far more interesting gives me a deep sense of pride. My youth will fade, my breasts will droop, my skin will wrinkle, my hair will turn gray but my mind will, hopefully, remain sharp for many more years. Also, the youth and beauty I have are no fault of my own. The mind I cultivate and the words that come from it are my fault, my problem, and my pride. Every day that I am able to bring the combination of youthful energy and mature wisdom to my loves is a day that fills me with joy and pride. I can’t imagine doing anything else more fulfilling.

Disclaimer: while I have often been told I am unusually mature for my age precocity is no substitute for true wisdom. I will not be truly comparable to the legends in the post linked below until I have their experiences. I personally highly recommend Sarah Nicole for nurturing, Sola Love for healing, Maggie for vigorous discourse, Houston Price for raw sex appeal, Jillian Roberts for high high class, and Ananda and Joyfull for playfulness. All in addition, of course, to sensuality and love for all.

Beginnings begin with the end

One of my beloved regulars broke up with me yesterday and I couldn’t be happier. We’ve been getting together regularly for laughter conversation, wine, and some saucy fun for a year or more and yesterday over coffee, just a quick social hello, he broke up with me. He told me he simply didn’t have the energy to see me and maintain the new relationship he’s found himself in. My grin nearly cracked my face. I may never see this clever, endearing gent ever again. I couldn’t be more pleased.

Much like a counselor watching her client develop self awareness and healthy coping mechanisms or a nurse daily observing here patient’s return to health, watching my loves find someone else to fill their time, bring them joy, and make love to brings me peace.

That’s not to say that our interactions are the interactions of an unhealthy individual, far from it. I only mean to say that for some, this is a pit stop, a surrogacy, a chance to learn without shame how to move easily and comfortably in your own skin and to explore how far it will take you. For some, it’s an amusing and convenient diversion, for others a way to patch the leak in the marriage boat and keep it afloat for years to come, for still others it’s a way of life. For those who stop at my door on the way to something else, goodbyes are sweet. I will always hold space for them in my heart and my memory and someday I will wonder how they’re doing but I’ll never know. I’ll imagine some fuzzy sunlit future and hope it’s the truth and remember our cozy past and be well.

Best of luck, and always, love.

Labor, A Day Late

This was supposed to go out yesterday. I thought “A Labor of Love” sounds like such a lovely title for a Labor Day post, I should write something. I sat down to write, got distracted, and realized that I so often extoll the virtues of my profession and blather on about how much I enjoy it that yet another post about how awesome you guys are would just be overkill. So I slept most of the day and spent my waking hours incredibly stoned, reading a book.

This morning I woke up early enough to catch the last commuter bus downtown which gave me a good hour or so to grab coffee and futz around on the internet. The morning was gray and the forecast was for gloom all day. As I walked to and from the bus, my mood sank comfortably into gloom as well. Two of my best girl friends and confidants just moved away from Seattle and the third in my loving lady trifecta has been out of town and/or so busy I haven’t seen her in two months.

I generally try to compact my work days so my free time comes at the end of my day but today I’m spread evenly throughout the day. It means I have chunks of time long enough to think but not long enough to go do something. It means I often get bored, sleep, or waste time online. The prospect of such a day plus the bedraggled stray feeling of social neglect tagging behind me made for a dull morning. Even my favorite coffee beverage from my favorite barista wasn’t enough to lift my spirits.

Then you showed up. You know who you are and you are not alone in your ability to first distract me from my melodrama, then genuinely change my mood. Your big smile, your respect for my limits, your appreciation for our time together, your conversation, your insights, your trust, and that dreamy look you wear out the door flipped my mood around so thoroughly that I don’t mind so much the prospect of creating new friendships from scratch and keeping myself sane in the meantime.

I would not love what I do if each day I faced a series of impersonal, disconnected, pushy, self involved, shallow interactions. I love what I do because each day I meet genuine, caring, respectful, humorous, interesting people. You are not who I would meet under any other circumstances. In what world would I meet such a variety of individuals and connect with them on a prearranged yet personal level? In which universe would I be allowed to lie naked and warm in the crook of your arm in the afterglow of sexual passion asking you about your life? Where else would I find both the impetus and the freedom to pursue educational avenues alongside personal reflections? Nowhere else but here, in my little corner of Seattle, where you and I are the only two in existence, for a while.

You are my inspiration.

Thank you

REV: FBSM Danielle and our cocoa friend ‘Velvet’

I had a brilliant experience last month, as I am often wont to do, but this one I thought I’d share.

FBSM Danielle and I have shared classes over the last almost year and the day after we ended our student status and began our professional careers, we shared a luxurious afternoon with a TRB gentleman I will from now on refer to as Velvet. I was so struck that I asked permission to review the event and both acquiesced. So here it goes:

LOCATION: My place; First Hill
DATE: 07/10/15
NAME: FBSM Danielle and Velvet
INCALL/OUTCALL: Out for both; they came to me ;-P
AGENCY OR INDY: Both very independent
ACCURATE PICTURE: Her, yes. Him, You’ll just have to see him in person
AGE: mid 30’s/ late 30’s?
PERSONALITY: Her, Energize Bunny. Him, eager to please/be pleasured
RACE: Her: caucasian. Him: dark chocolate
BODY TYPE: Her: Marks of motherhood might trick the ignorant into thinking she’s something other than fit but for those of us who have touched her we know she’s all muscle Him: robust, exactly perfect for leaning into and onto.
WEIGHT: Not even gonna try
HEIGHT: Taller than me. Both of them. Everyone taller than me is of equal height: tall.
BUST: her: I’d guess C-D and she does this thing with them… him: There were other, more interesting things but the corkscrew chest hair and extremely responsive nipples had all three of us entertained
WAIST: Her: thin, muscled, with evidence of motherhood adding character. Him: robust, muscular, and mature
HIPS: Her: a waist-to-hip ratio for the ages! Him: I was paying more attention to the center than the width, I must admit
HAIR: Her: medium-long, strawberry brown. Silky and soft, up in a clippy when she wasn’t upside down on the floor. Him: trimmed close, pepper with a sexy smidgen of salt.
EYES: Her: big, dark, don’t remember the color. Him: laughing and rich brown.
FEET: Her: pink pedicure with nail art. Him: …good question. I got distracted on my way down and didn’t notice the feet.
SKIN TONE: Her: NW tan but her Mexican vacation may change that. Him: deep, rich mahogany. Lovely contrast for our hands and lips and other fun bits.
TRIMMING: Her: her waxing appointment was an hour after we got done so full womanly bush but I imagine it’s different today. Him: again that lovely fun corkscrew coil. She described it as a cashmere sweater and I’m not sure I disagree
TATTOOS: None on any of the three of us
SCARS: Also none that were obvious. I believe she has a c-section scar but nothing else I can think of.
PIERCINGS: Her: belly button and ears. Him: No? Not that I noticed
MOLES: Her: one well-placed on her cheek but not very noticeable. Him: I wouldn’t have seen if I looked.
BIRTHMARKS: One on her hand.
CLOTHES: Her: little black dress. Him: Something we could unbutton. Man-clothes. They got in our way so we took them off.
GLASSES: Her: contacts but glasses on request. Him: yes? I think so
MOANER OR A SCREAMER: Her: too much slurping for moans to be heard. Him: I think he lost his ability to speak for a full five minutes. I assumed that because there was a lot of frantic pointing and grunting which I dutifully followed by tonguing the indicated nipples.
ENERGY LEVEL DURING THE SESSION: Her: Energizer. Fucking. Bunny. I don’t think she sits still in her sleep! Him: matched ours which is fun because our levels are so different.
MULTI SHOTS DURING THE HOUR: We made sure of that.
ACCEPTS FRENCH: Her: possibly, at some point, but not that night. Him: Oh yes. She gave him little choice!
SMOKES: Neither?
DRINKS: Champagne for all in celebration of graduation and birthday (back in March but hey, who cares?)
KISSES: Her: I’m convinced she has an oral fixation. She licked everything!! Him: sweet and caring and very full. I enjoyed it very much.
FRENCH: Her: vigorous, immediate, and nonstop. I quote “You have to beg me to stop.” I believe it. Him: I’m sure he would have but we never gave him time to try.
GREEK: Not on anyone’s radar
RUSSIAN: Her: I think of her breasts as interactive. She was too busy with her mouth to give them a try. Him: the thought makes me chuckle but no, not really the right equipment, haha.
DO’s or DON’T’s: Do have a good time. Don’t expect FS. Leave your inhibitions at the door!
SCREENING PROCESS: We all already know each other quite well but she and I both do references and I do full name and ID
PHONE: Given out when needed
RATES: 360/hr. 500/1.5hr. 600/2hr
RECOMMEND: Hella yes!
Danielle and I had talked about doing a duo special (watch out in the future!) after classes were out. We kept putting it off because of how busy we were but Velvet is a beloved client of ours so when he emailed us inquiring, we both went wild. I set the date, time, and duration and offered my space so they could sit back and enjoy. The appointed time arrived and I broke out the bottle of bubbly I had set aside for the occasion. Danielle arrived about 15 minutes early and flopped energetically (I didn’t know you could flop energetically but Danielle proved it can be done) on my couch to enjoy the first sips of her champagne while we chatted about school and the private stripper pole party we had put on the night before. Velvet arrived and I was greeted with the broadest smile of anticipation plus a big, full kiss. I don’t know how many minutes passed but it wasn’t many before Danielle and I had unbuttoned all available buttons, my robe slipped off, and her dress peeled over her head onto the chair. Not a second later, he fell to his knees, I knelt behind him kissing and touching what I could reach, and she laid below him, thoroughly soaking everything that fell into her mouth. That set the tone for what was to be a hurricane of an adventure.

We moved from the couch to the floor to the massage table to the couch again, and every move seemed to separate her mouth from his body only for a moment. It was like her mouth was the north and his was the south pole of a magnet and they were drawn together by the laws of physics, beyond natural human desire. Danielle is literally a force of nature.

We began on the table with her lying face down. Even with the skilled and talented ministrations of Velvet and myself, she writhed and moaned even when the focus was just on feet and shoulders, respectively. Her oral fixation craved satisfaction. Ten whole minutes passed this way before wandering hands found more sexually charged places and my lips found Velvet’s, towering over Danielle’s arched back. The two of them trade places and Danielle and I spent another span of time, I don’t know how long this time, tickling and teasing, Velvet rewarding us with moans and grins and words of encouragement. My smile never left my face as I watched and giggled and made a nuisance of myself, getting in the way of her twisting teases and pleasurable pressure. Even on his belly on the table, he couldn’t get away from her trailing tongue, trickling down his back and between his thighs, rendering him speechless, as if her tongue tied his with its ferocity.

On the flip, the relentlessness never stopped. On the rare occasion her energy flagged or was distracted, I slipped in with hands when needed and tongue when appropriate. In one memorable moment, he lost his ability to speak and it was gestures and grunts that led me to his sensitive and needy nipples that I proceeded to tongue, tease, and teeth while her lips and hands were occupied south of the border. She and I finally drew a shuddering breath from him along with his first release after which we immediately resumed our manual and oral ministrations.

This was the gentle in-between when we joked, he had his wits back (and witty they are!!), and our stimulation ebbed to allow him his recovery. It was this time with the slipping and sliding of body on body and the constant but more gentle movement that inspired my favorite quote of the evening. We joked about personalities and mentioned a few other nerdy providers when Danielle teased Velvet about being ‘slathered in nerdy white girls’. And slathered he was! Me on one side, she on the other, we made a reverse Oreo of sensual and action packed excitement. Velvet, through it all, was the greatest sport. Knowing us both well, he joked, teased, chided, encouraged, gasped at, and adored us in equal measured measure. His smooth rolling tones gave an intoxicating complement to our girlish giggles.

However, true to form, Danielle indulged that oral fixation we have decided she’s got and we cued the devolution of words to sighs and giggles to moans. With she and I licking, touching, teasing, tasting, tickling, slurping, soothing, sending Velvet into another world his second climax came much to our joy and delight.

After a judicious period of recovery, sipping some water and breathing deeply, we moved our sweaty selves back to the couch where we worked our way through more of the wine. Time goes on, as it is wont to do, and we eventually got showered and dressed by turns before I was finally, once again alone in my studio. As I reflected on my experience I realized that, while I was not center stage because this duo was for him and I was experiencing this part of her for the first time, I felt deeply fulfilled, cared for, rewarded, and looked forward to more similar but different experiences. I highly recommend both of these absolutely beautiful people for social and erotic adventures.

Would You Still?

Over the last few years my professional life and my persona life have traveled separate but intersecting paths. Almost as if the pendulum is beginning to settle.

In January of 2013 I drove out to the suburbs and met a kind, sweet, solicitous young man who proceeded to converse and make love with me, then send me home with a generous wage. In February of the same year my good friend sat across two large bowls of pho and warned me of the danger I was in, speaking to my experience through his lens of the mainstream narrative of sex work. A few weeks later we fell into bed together and we have been inseparable ever since.

It hasn’t been all rose-tinted glasses and laughter. One night, after drunkenly flashing a coworker, I started a long, loud argument over trust; namely whether he trusted me. I remember holding a half-eaten hamburger in my fist, shaking it in his direction and swearing at him. Another sunlit summer afternoon he sunk his fist into the wall after I revealed my first and last infidelity (defined as such by the lack of communication prior, not the action itself). However, as we both learn to read each other’s moods and needs, our discussions are quiet; full of ‘I’ statements, reassurances of devotion, and loving touch.

My personal relationship has settled, much as my professional ones have, into a mix of routine and novelty that nurtures me. The domestic duties are largely taken care of by the time I get home and we are free to watch shows we like, go out to see friends, or stay in and watch the fire burn in the fireplace come winter. My week is filled with beloved regulars who brighten my day in a different way every time they join me in my little corner of Seattle. I leave reluctantly in the morning, longing to stay warm in bed, talking sweet nothing to waste time. I leave reluctantly in the evening, finally setting things aright for the next morning and fondly remembering the warmth of my loves. It is a quiet domesticity on both counts, even and easy, busy without being overwrought.

This post was inspired by a recent question posted by the lovely Larissa Nostrova. She’s always coming up with interesting questions but this time it was “would you still?” If you as a partner were getting sex as often as you wanted it, would you still be seeking professional companionship? Reactions are mixed. Some choose to be exclusive when dating, though serial monogamy can be seen as a type of polygamy, each partner separated only by time. Some discover that the injection of sensuality and desire supports their personal relationships, recreating that sense of passion and confidence that then reignites their personal life. Some are actively polyamorous, seeking professionals in order to have a fulfilling but no-strings-attached experience in order to recharge and relax. Some are perpetually single and so the question is moot. I thought it might be interesting to answer the question from the other side.

I have a more frequent desire for sexual activity than my partner. He has acclimated to infrequent sexual activity over the course of his life and so our current level is higher and more satisfying than he is used to. During and after my personal sexual revolution I became accustom to a much higher frequency, if not quality, than I currently experience. He and I have different baselines and my profesional activities make up the difference. I wouldn’t do what I do if I couldn’t make a living at it, but if I had a regular 9-5 that kept me too busy to play with people’s bodies and senses I’m not sure if or how much the difference in baselines would chafe. Over the last four years I’ve not gone more than a few days without being naked with someone. If that suddenly changed….. Suffice it to say I’m hoping it doesn’t change for a long time yet.

To answer Larissa’s question: if I got as much sexual/sensual activity as I wanted, neither of us would have time for a job and I’d have bigger problems than my sex life, haha! My life affords me both the diversion my brain craves and the freedom to pursue it. It’s a beautiful thing.

Good, Better, Legal?

I did an interview with a reporter from the Seattle Weekly last week and amid questions about my daily life and how I feel about it, he asked me about decriminalization. My answer wasn’t simple, much as I wish it were. While I love the idea of feeling free from the threat of legal consequences and even more tempting is the safety of my partner from accusations of ‘living off the avails’, I’m not so excited about the idea of someone butting in. Did you know that the temperature at which massage linens are washing is mandated by state law? What might be mandated after decriminalization in the effort to keep us ‘safe’? In Australia, exchanging money for unprotected penetration of any kind is illegal, while its protected counterparts are legal. That includes digital penetration of the mouth. I understand how this increases the level of safety, but some of us prefer to draw different lines. At what point does the state become my manager and am I ok with what restrictions someone else decides on? Who does the deciding? SWOP recently (and successfully) campaigned to keep the names of Seattle exotic dancers from becoming public record. Will I also be protected from social repercussions? Will I be required to keep records? Will my client files be under HIPPA protection? Do I need to disclose my occupation to my landlord? Where will I be allowed to practice? Can I collaborate with colleagues? Until these and dozens more questions are answered, I’m not sure what to decide.

It would please me to know that the work I love is valued by others and recognized as work that is loved by many more. I would feel great relief knowing my partner is safe from legal vilification just because I make more than he does. The ability to openly teach new entrants how to stay safe and careful would bring me joy. Watching my life crumble as regulation and social stigma destroy my livelihood and my loved ones does not make me feel good.

What do you think? Would you be proud to walk into a place of ill repute or do you prefer the current risky but discreet arrangements? Would you rent to a provider? Would you tell your friends that hooker jokes aren’t cool anymore? Do you want to be able to tell your significant other how you survived that two year dry spell? What might the world look like for you if this one things was different? I would be interested to know what could get better without losing what is good.

Today I Learned

My lovely, periprofessional friend quoted this to me. In my drunken reverie I found it not only worthy of posting but near necessary. Rate details are in the next post; this was too good to wait.


There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away
Nor any Coursers like a Page
Of prancing Poetry –
This Traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll –
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human Soul –


by Emily Dickinson


long live the book

Up, up, and away!!!! and announcements

Today is the day. I’ve scheduled this to post as I’m driving out to Eastern Washington for two weeks. School is done, paperwork is signed, things are in place to hit the ground running upon my return. I hope schedules are scheduled and screening is screened because you won’t hear from me until august 1 and no one will see me until the third. I’m going to take in sunshine, grilled meat, and mixed drinks in equal measures as I go off the grid with a stack of New Yorker magazines and a series of high fantasy novels. See you guys when I get back!

I have some fun announcements to make that go into effect as of Monday August 3:

I have a standard schedule now.
Sunday from 10a-7p or so
Monday off
Tuesday from 8a-noon
Wednesday from 8a-8p
Thursday off
Friday from 8a-8p
Saturday off
I will still keep my calendar up to date, but this is a general guideline.

I’m offering a new session style. It may not appeal to those of you who have grown accustomed to my more GFE style FBST sessions but for those who just need to relax and enjoy the ministrations of a pretty girl with skilled hands and don’t want to think or move for an hour, this is just the thing.

Massage with a happy moment:
This doesn’t include kissing, mutual touch of any kind, prolonged teasing, or body surfing. It’s a fully nude massage (draping optional) where we identify an area of concern, treat it, and either begin or end the massage with your sexual release. Massage is relaxation style or treatment style, whichever you wish.
60 minutes: 160
90 minutes: 220
120 minutes: 280 (may include two releases)

New rates for FBST as you’ve all come to know and love is as follows:
60 minutes: 220
90 minutes: 300
120 minutes: 360
Longer session available on a case by case basis.
Shorter sessions by special announcement only.
New friends add 30 minutes of social time (50/hhr)

New rates are subject to a ‘happy hour’ special. Any sessions falling completely within 8a-4p on a weekday or 10a-5p on Sundays are subject to 20$ off.

Of course those of you who already know and love it are grandfathered in at my previous rates. Grandfathered rates are not eligible for ‘happy hour’.

Add prostate Massage to any session for 40$ Can be added at time of service. Never done it and curious? I’m happy to work within your comfort level to discover if you like it or not. Either way, first timers try it free. I use powder free nitrile gloves in midnight black to keep us both happy and healthy and to help mitigate the mental ick factor that often bars us from exploring pleasure.
I’m happy to accommodate toys you bring and am open to suggestions for a collection of my own.

While I love gifts, tippng is not necessary. I charge what I feel is right for my time and I realize my rates are on the high end. While I won’t say no, instead of leaving extra cash think of bringing flowers, staying mindful of our time, donating to a charity of your choice, or simply prolonging your relaxation experience by treating yourself at home to a hot bath with some epsom salts and a bit of quality dark chocolate.

Not Forever

“I am sometimes amazed that such wrenching cruel pain can be inflicted without the slightest hint of intent or even awareness. When that girl lit up on seeing her boyfriend, she didn’t imagine it could cause anyone pain. Obviously you aleady know this, but I just find it astonishing.
The way her eyes lit up, her face, her impulsive joy…to see that, and know it can never be you. To see that, and be forced to comprehend the immense gulf between you and a normal guy, between his experience in life and yours.
And you can’t say anything about it, you can’t complain or even just express a quiet sorrow about it. Even here, someone will come along and bitch about you thinking you’re ‘entitled’. And even if they didn’t, there’s no point in complaining anyhow. There’s no one to complain to; no one made any decision and no one can change this.
You wish someone’s eyes would light up like that for you. That’s all. It’s very simple and sad and empty. But you can’t seem to make it happen. Somehow, advice about lifting weights and being yourself falls a bit flat when 10,000 girls in a row have seen you and their eyes have remained unanimously unlit.
It isn’t something you can ask for. What a bizarre conversation that would be. “Hey, would you mind having your eyes light up when you see me? Thanks”. Seriously, what would be the point of that? It isn’t something she could decide to do on purpose.
Such exquisite shame and hurt, inflicted in total innocence. It’s just the inevitable result of being around people without really being one. Constant reminders of what you are and what you are not.
It would be easier to refute and resist such messages if they were delivered on purpose. If someone openly jeered and said you were unworthy, that might hurt but not nearly so much. When kind, decent people inadvertently show you what you are, the very fact that they didn’t mean to hurt you, makes it hurt more. You know they mean it. You know full well that girl had no idea of causing you pain at all. You know full well that her eyes would never light up like that for you. She’d never say such a thing. It’s just a brutal, silent truth.
No girl is ever going to have or express a conscious opinion that you don’t deserve to have someone love you. If you ever asked, they’d all insist that someone will but just not them right now sorry. But conscious opinions have nothing to do with it.
She didn’t see her boyfriend, muse over her options, and choose to react with joy. It just happened. And when girls react to you, there’s no real deliberate choice. It just happens. And what happens is, he gets joy and love, and you don’t. Other guys do, and you don’t.
You can’t even comfort yourself with bitterness or anger toward women, because you know they are just people reacting and feeling what they feel. You don’t want someone to force themselves, to pretend, to take pity. You want someone’s eyes to light up. And you have a sick horrible fear in your gut that it really might just never happen.
You came into the world as stupid and hopeful as everyone else. And you are learning the cold lesson now. You bounce up like a hopeful puppy, sure that you’re a part of this, sure that you get to play like everyone else, and you slowly learn you’re just not welcome. Nothing personal, you just don’t get to have that kind of reaction, that kind of experience. Nothing personal, you just have to be alone, and would you mind pretending to be ok with that? You’re not supposed to complain about it and make people feel bad.
Just live your life alone, don’t experience love, don’t hold hands, don’t have sex, don’t have children. And don’t bitch about it, you entitled creep.
Now go lift some weights.”

The above was not written by me. I peruse quite a bit. I have browsing apps downloaded to both phone and iPad and have to restrict it to wifi only so I don’t use all two gigs of my data redditing. Amidst the myriad chaff, I occasionally come across something that dramatically shifts my worldview. The above passage opened my eyes to something that resonates with me.

Much is said against the forever alone guy. He is pathetic. He is a white knight. He is entitled. His lot isn’t that bad. Suck it up. Et Cetera. The author of this passage is obviously familiar with what he describes, whether he feels it himself or he has a friend who has broken down and confided in him. He, forever alone, is one reason my work matters and why it’s so damn rewarding. I’ve talked before about how, the first time I went pro, I was able to relax more easily than in my personal life and how my arousal response went through the roof. Getting paid for my time freed me to sink in and enjoy it. I had made my decisions, I had taken my safety precautions, I was free of doubts that plagued me through regular relationships, and I had a blast. That feeling hasn’t changed. The feeling of freedom to focus on you and the feeling of exultation at a job well done. Every time you walk out happier than you walked in, I feel that joy and gladness.

For the forever alone guy writing about his situation with introspection, understanding, and forgiveness I offer this: my eyes will light up when I see you. Because your financial assistance frees me while we are together from outside concerns, my eyes light up. Because you reward my every move with a smile of appreciative desire, my eyes light up. Because your conversation assumes my intelligence, my eyes light up. Because your body responds to my touch with sensual focus, my eyes light up. Because you come back again and again, my eyes light up. Because you feel comfortable and safe and sexy and concerned, my eyes light up… for you. Whoever you are, forever alone guy, I hope you find someone who lights up for you, whether it’s within the realms of civilian relationships or the stolen moments of a professional, I sincerely hope you find it. If you’re in Seattle, I’d like to help.


I worship cock. I always have. In all their variations, cocks fascinate, intrigue, please, and entertain me. I love how an erection can be an instant eraser of intelligence I’ve seen, great care I’ve felt, and deep conversations I’ve seen interrupted mid-sentence. That being said, the intelligence, conversation, and care are absolute prerequisites for that worship, intrigue, pleasure, fascination, and entertainment. Establishing a connection as two human beings who have something in common other than compatible genitals is critical for my personal enjoyment. Once that connection has been made, and sometime it comes in the aftermath, my interest and pleasure skyrockets.

Without that connection, I am capable of providing a high caliber service, but at that point it becomes a service. It ceases to be the genuine back and forth of an expanding relationship and stays firmly in the realm of a provider providing a service. I am capable of that experience and as an actor of both skill and talent it will be a service of caliber and quality, but it will not be the kind of session that makes me want to keep you late, nibble on cylindrical meats, chat long into the lazy afternoon, play with you again until you cannot rise, and fall asleep gently on your shoulder.

That is the session I most often share. I started to write the word ‘offer’ but I share it with you as much as you share it with me. I like to describe it as GFE, but back in high school. We’re both good kids, not doing anything that’s actually sex no matter how much we yearn for it. We kiss and kissing leads to touching, leads to more touching, leads to the kind of exploration that doesn’t focus on some kind of finish. It focuses on the touch, the tease, the closeness, the surprise finish that’s fun and sweet and rewarding but not a disappointment if it doesn’t show. It brings us both to a combined frustrated and satisfied frenzy and that’s when I worship your cock.

I want to touch it. I want to look at it and observe similarities and differences. I want to explore it and the surrounding area. I want to tickle your feet and see if it moves you. I want to trail my fingertips across your chest, searching for previously undiscovered spots that send shivers and tingles through your belly into your cock to make it twitch. I want to test your reaction to my excursions. I want to explore the textures, bends, folds, fuzz or lack. I want to watch your face and breath for peaks of intensity and valleys of relaxation. I want to feel the swell and regress of your glorious cock as I find patterns and rhythms that please you but don’t quite satisfy… not yet. I want to hear you pant and feel my breath rise with yours as we both get sucked into the hot, wet intensity of our arousal. I love the mental and emotional swell I feel when your physical cues tell me you’re walking the edge. I want to feel myself throb between my thighs as every thought and movement is for sex and sensuality. I want to feel you struggle to watch both my arched ass rock across your torso and your cock, barely visible in the gap between you and I as everything I have that can reach your cock caresses it, strokes it, slips across it until, after ages of touch and tease, I finally feel the pleasure and satisfaction of your hot, sticky, slippery cum all over me. I don’t even need that ‘finish’; I still want to worship and pleasure your cock, regardless of the outcome. I want to bring pleasure and excitement to your every moment. I want to cover you with warm slick oil and bring you a bliss that requires only your appreciation to plaster a grin on my face.

I’ve discovered in myself an intense internal reward system that fires when I am appreciated. It only takes a moment, only a thought, to share that appreciation. I don’t require, nor would I want, some epic of care and thankfulness. I wouldn’t press for thanks as my services are given in a fair exchange, regardless of the attitudes (barring the pushy or downright unsafe) of my beloved clients. Thanks and appreciation are only to give me pleasure, something I regularly and often receive. They enhance my experience and quickly turn a pleasant session into a memorable one I long to repeat. Once in fifty sessions I will have a simply pleasant experience. Those other 49 are rewarding in thousands of ways. Flowers, exotic cheeses, wines, words of admiration and appreciation, acknowledgement of time invested and time stretched, contented smiles, exhausted poses, repeats and returns, long conversations that have nothing to do with either of us, those are the things that bring me pleasure and joy and intensify just how much I worship your cock.

Who among you doesn’t desire appreciation and to be desired? When I meet you, as a human with thoughts, cares, a history, a life before us, I appreciate you. I appreciate that you may be nervous. You may be cautious. You may be carefree, celebrating a recent life event. You may be an old hand or brand new, you may be thick or thin, tall or short, old or young…. Every one of you has something that I appreciate. You are shy and I care for you. You are bold and I admire you. You are clever and I laugh with you. You are serious and I am careful for you. You are curious and I am excited for you. You are verbose and I convers with you. You are young and I teach you. You are old and I learn from you. You are kind and I am nurtured by you. You are misinterpreted and I understand you. You are unsure and I am sure for you. I am suited to my work; I am suited to you.

I long ago vowed that I would only interact with penises attached to awesome people. While I have sometimes bent this rule and have once or twice broken it, my experiences in the last few years have been absolutely consistent with this motto. Thank you, to those who have and those who continue to help me uphold my personal motto. You are the greatest of men. You deserve the worship of a great woman.