Euro Spa Sting

On Thursday, July 14, The Seattle Times reported on a sting operation conducted by Seattle Police from July 5 to July July 14. SPD netted 22,000$ from the money the clients brought to pay their provider and expect over a half million in fines to follow.

Several things disturb me about this event. Aside from my obvious disagreement with the current laws regarding my work and my clients, these sorts of nonviolent crimes should not be a priority for SPD when we have violent actions right here in Seattle, particularly in the primarily black Central District. The comments left by readers reflected that opinion, citing specific instances where even upper class white neighborhoods see long response times, if any at all, while time and resources pour into this lucrative yet socially damaging operation.

Some say that it’s justified since these men were looking to see “sex slave[s]” and that they were planning to exploit vulnerable women. From the comments made by the Undercover Officer who played the provider and by Police Chief Umporowitz, the woman these men thought they were seeing for sexual services was neither a slave nor vulnerable. She bragged about her ability to convince reluctant clients to agree to exchange money for services (a crime now called Misdemeanor Sexual Exploitation instead of the clearer but less emotionally charged Misdemeanor Patronizing a Prostitute) and all officers quoted in the article expressed disdain for the men they arrested. The article specifically mentions men crying and begging not to be charged as charges like this, particularly with such a vague and damning title, can cause the loss of family, employment, and establishes far reaching stigma. In each case, the writer showed no compassion or sympathy. For those who believe that a sting like this helps end demand for sexual slavery or sexual human trafficking, that is a misperception. There will always be a market for sexual labor and if that market is saturated with consenting adults operating legally, the vast majority of clients will choose the legally operating providers over those who expose them to legal risks such as underage providers or drug users.

So we see that first, stings don’t decrease the demand for sexual labor, they simply drive the market for it further underground and scare off respectable clients. Second, this particular sting did nothing to combat actual abuse considering the clients had no reason to think abuse was occurring, nor were they attempting to abuse the provider. Third, the social and financial consequences these men now face are more harmful to the public than helpful considering the emotional and economic fallout of strong punishments.

My heart goes out to these men. This article was posted to the Seattle subreddit and one of the young men arrested posted a comment.

I was one of the men arrested through this sting. I haven’t told any of my friends or family because I am embarrassed and I just wanted to let my feelings out. As someone who often times feels alone this was a way out and a way I could have physical contact with someone. I knew what I was doing was illegal. But a way to escape the loneliness even just for a bit seemed with it. I am very young in my early 20’s (not the one mentioned in the article). This happening so early in my life makes me feel that any hope for a positive future very unlikely. I am going to school right now but not sure if I’ll keep going. Since it does go on my record everywhere I apply to will see it and make it hard to get a professional job so I don’t see the point in trying. Not to mention the $2700 fine will make my life for the next year a much more challenging. I am working on accepting what happened and moving on but it’s hard. This is just a different perspective on this issue.

Thank you for reading.

Regardless of whether or not you believe that the act of prostitution itself is morally right or wrong, ruining lives over a nonviolent act is not healthy for society. This poor young man, just starting his life, now faces enormous hurdles for simply trying to find someone to touch him in a nonjudgemental, human way. I have many clients looking for the same thing: human contact. They are all kind, thoughtful, appreciative, and undeserving of this ridicule and harsh punishment. This sting was not about aiding vulnerable women, it was not about safety or equality, it was about money, pure and simple. SPD made over half a million dollars from fines alone and the publicity this generates will go toward winning another grant from anti-prostitution NPOs. While the time and energy of a dozen officers over the course of ten days went into arresting and punishing guys who just want to be touched, Seattle citizens suffered from decreased enforcement for real time, potentially violent crimes.

Please readers, stay safe. This work is good and meaningful and fun and pleasurable and I would hate for anyone else to get caught in the political crossfire. SWOP is talking with legislators, city attorney’s, and others in response to activities like this and continues to fight for the decriminalization of this harmless work so that you, our client, can better know who is and isn’t safe and so that resources are focused on actual abuse and violence.

To those who went to Euro Spa and felt the harsh hand of the law, I am so sorry. I am also interested in talking with you about your experience. I would love to paint a verbal picture of what it looks and feels like to go through that process. People should know how it feels to go through something like that and a sympathetic portrait of a victim of a sting could be a huge step towards humanizing my beloved clients.


Our community has been hit. Screening has always been an issue for both clients and providers. You, our client, don’t know if you can trust us or our digital security. You don’t know if we’re manipulative, law enforcement, or just careless but you trust us (or not) because this industry is overall pretty great (or not, depending on your experience). We don’t know if you’re illiterate, hyper cautious, or a serial rapist but we trust you (or not) because this industry is overall pretty great (or not, depending on your experience). After TRB, MyRedBook, and RentBoy among others went down in multi-agency law enforcement efforts and it became known that KGirlDelights’ client database (complete with legal names) was in the hands of the law, clients were even more reluctant to share personal information with potential providers.

I completely understand this attitude and I don’t blame clients for being careful and skeptical. You should be. But so should I. There are a lot of conversations on review boards and community forums about screening and generally, clients want to remain anonymous while providers want as much info as they can get. One of the reasons I fight for the decriminalization of all sex work is so that I and my sisters can demand your full legal name, every time, and you have no legitimate reason to deny us. That may sound harsh, but let me illustrate part of my reasoning.

One of my sisters was raped recently. I won’t go into the details aside from that she was explicit in denying a particular act multiple times, the client put her in a compromising position, violated that denial of consent, and then apologized. Whether or not his apology is heartfelt, he obviously does not accept boundaries as boundaries and should not be allowed to see sex workers, or anyone else for that matter, in the future. However, we have no recourse other than a community wide warning against an email address and a username. We have no name to take to law enforcement, and even if we did she has the double shame of being the survivor of a particularly devastating sexual assault AND being a ‘woman of questionable character’. She would, should she have pressed charges, have been dragged, verbally and publicly, through her assault multiple times as her character was disparaged and her status as a sex worker exposed. This helps NO ONE except her rapist. Under decriminalization, this vulnerable young woman would be able to work with a mentor to prevent such situations, ask this gentleman for personal ID in order to hold him accountable, and hopefully remove one of many compromising layers that smother rape survivors.

The men who ran the Korean Sex Worker ‘trafficking’ ring will likely get a few months in jail, a fine, and a slap on the wrist. They are embarrassed and hugely inconvenienced, albeit unnecessarily in my opinion, by their deep and arrogant involvement with the management side of prostitution. Patronizing a prostitute, however, is a gross misdemeanor*. A few months, a few thousand, and a highly embarrassing situation (or quiet plea deal, whichever) is your most likely consequence**. You, the client, don’t need to worry about being murdered or raped (though the rare robbery aided by management does happen I hear). I understand your reluctance to risk the embarrassment, cost, and potential loss of employment IF your information is uncovered. Please understand the risk your provider is taking by allowing you, on the word of other providers alone, to come into her home, get her naked, and lie down together. Please understand why some providers demand personal information. Please understand the courtesy your provider does for you by allowing you to maintain your anonymity. Please understand why most charge for meet and greet screening and STILL ask for ID. Please treat her with patience and respect because she is willing to risk her personal safety so you can avoid embarrassment. Please provide her with the information she asks for. Please say please and thank you.

My heart goes out to this young woman, naïve and trusting, who allowed this man, on the recommendation of others, into herself and was painfully violated as reward for her trust. Please remember this the next time you find yourself frustrated by the time and effort it takes to pass screening and understand why some screening methods are simply unacceptable to some of us. I takes one risks because usually people are pretty great and because this is my job and I need to pay the bills. Fortunately I am privileged and experienced enough to avoid the greatest risks, but we are not all so blessed.

Please consider donating to SWOP Seattle for their untiring efforts to educate, decriminalize, and hear all members of our community, not just those of us who are most fortunate. Should you prefer to make a more personal donation, consider booking next time Ms Savanna Sly***, SWOP USA president, tours in Seattle, or with Sola Love or Sol Finer, both critical members of SWOP Seattle, or next time you and I meet you can donate through me and I will make sure it gets where it needs to go.

*SWOP fought the legislation that changed patronizing a prostitute from a misdemeanor to a gross misdemeanor. We won the first time around but not when it was reintroduced this year. We fight for you, too.
**Hiding your identity will not help you should you be arrested in a sting. Stop-and-identify laws in Washington state require you to produce ID if you are under reasonable suspicion of a crime. Answering an ad for prostitution is, unfortunately, grounds for reasonable suspicion and you will be required to identify yourself and produce ID. If it is not on you, I assume they will simply detain you until you provide your name verbally or your lawyer provides your ID as you are, once again, under reasonable suspicion. Also, stings tend to be day-of events. Book a day or two ahead the first time you meet a provider and that MAY decrease the likelihood of being involved in a sting. Also never agree to pay a set amount of money for a set service, either verbally or via text/email and NEVER (I really shouldn’t have to say this) agree to see a provider who admits they are under the age of 18!!
***Savanna is a ProDomme but if you prefer more delicate delights she offers FBSM and she and I would be happy to duo with you.



Update: Sure enough: a few weeks after posting this, there was a sting at a fake rub and tug establishment in the University district. There was no screening involved and, surprise, surprise, over 200 potential and actual clients got arrested. Avoiding screening does not mean avoiding Law Enforcement.

What happened to The Review Board?

Last January, was seized by law enforcement as part of a sex trafficking investigation. The community that had so long relied on it as a source of quality erotic service providers and positive community engagement scattered. Same panicked, some still are, but the community is intact and ok.

At the center of the investigation were Korean women working here in Seattle and the group of men and at least one woman responsible for their management. The facts, as best I know them, are these: a small group of people, mostly clients and members of the review board, formed an association for the sole purpose of aiding the movement of Korean women from Korea to the US and from place to place periodically. This group arranged for apartments to use as the women’s workplaces, scheduling services, advertising services, and screening. The group, calling themselves The League of Gentlemen, were indiscreet in their activities, often meeting in public to discuss their activities and admitting in detail their business model to an undercover detective who had been invited into the group. On January 6, 13 men and one woman were arrested and 12 Korean women were removed from the apartments they worked out of (I think. It was reported by LE that they ‘rescued’ 12 women but it is unclear what happened) and the review board, along with a dedicated ‘K-Girl’ website KgirlDelights, was seized as part of the investigation. There is a very long discussion on TNABoard about the status of the league members and there are a lot of details to wade through but it is clear that they are facing several criminal charges all for promoting prostitution.

Law Enforcement has stated they will release all information to any journalist who submits an information request so anyone who has had an appointment with a ‘K-Girl’ or who gave personal information to anyone involved in the league should take precautions against when, not if, their name is released as a client. I can recommend the services of my personal attorney and would be happy to direct trusted clients to his firm. There is a former prosecutor offering his service to SWOP and to clients but he has much yet to learn about our community.

The narrative from LE is that they rescued women from sexual slavery, daily sexual violence, and emotional and financial abuse by their pimps. The Sex Workers Outreach Project officially told a different story about nosy, racist law enforcement pushing a moral agenda on consenting adult sex workers. My personal thought is that the truth is somewhere in between. It is reasonable for women to choose sex work in the US instead of sex work in Korea. I know that if those were my options I would choose the US and if I spoke little to no English I would need assistance in finding a work place, scheduling clients, etc. Many women choose sex work not because they love it but because it fits their needs better than other work and I respect that. Several providers from that group attended a meet and greet party and admitted to coming here with full knowledge and of her own free will. I suspect they had little control over their client list or their menu of services offered and that doesn’t sit well with me but it’s only a suspicion and disliking your job isn’t the same as being sexually assaulted or forced, defrauded, or coerced. One provider accused the female member of the league of purchasing a debt from Korean mobs and then using threats of violence and coercion to force the provider into sex work. If true, that is despicable and exactly the sort of thing SWOP objects to. They argue that decriminalization will make it easier to separate out genuine cases of force, fraud, and coercion into sex work if those of us who choose it freely are able to operate with minimal interference. On this I have no hard answers, only what would make my life easier and, ideally, free up resources.

Independent providers have not been compromised. Myself and my colleagues laid low for the first few days but it is very clear that, while LE is leaning towards an ‘end demand’ strategy, individual providers are not of interest and it is highly unlikely that we will attract LE attention unless there are complicating factors such as drug use, underage providers, or other risks. Clients can rest assured that their favorite independent providers are still around, still seeing clients, and learning more about digital security systems and such.

That being said, digital security is only the second line of defense. Before LE spends resources investigating someone or something, they need to have something that raises a flag to attract attention. The high number of men entering and leaving the building along with providers who obviously speak little or no English brought attention from the neighbor’s who contacted LE and made the first of many steps connecting the online agencies to real people. LE had known about the board’s existence for years, to the point of attending one or two parties, but had nothing big enough to incite a true investigation. This particular case provided a high profile bust, a lot of seized assets, and the potential for felony convictions instead of simply misdemeanors. The digital trail only provided the evidence to convict, not the motivation to investigate.

This is why I say that digital security is only the second line of defense: the first line of defense is not making yourself a target. If your provider gives you long and detailed instructions, read them and follow them. Don’t wait near her building, wait in your car or at a nearby coffee shop. Don’t knock unless she tells you to. Say hello and goodbye with the door closed. Don’t try to come in until she tells you she’s ready. These are all things we ask you do to decrease the attention we get from our neighbors because neighbors are the first step down a path to trouble.

Back to the community impact: Many of us are left drifting with no appealing options. The Hobby Hunter is Portland based and can raise confusion, though it is a kind and pleasant community. TNABoard has providers and clients that run the gamut from amazing and professional to downright scary and the scary ones tend to be the most vocal/active in the discussions and so the feel of the community is often hostile. I am slowly but surely compiling a list of ladies I know in person or by reputation to be professional and safe but it is no replacement for their own freely given voices. We are working to keep the community alive, however, so don’t give up hope, just stay in touch. I appreciate the continued support of my beloved clients and my community and look forward to what comes of all this turmoil.

Frequently Asked Questions/ Policies

Update as of May 31, 2018: Most of this information is up to date but for the most recent information you’ll want to go to


Everything you need to know should be on this page. Please read it in its entirety before sending your initial contact. Breaking or even strenuous bending of any restrictions is grounds for immediate termination of communication or session in progress.

Q: Who are you?
A: I am a 26 year old bodywork professional who provides a sensual and intimate touch with therapeutic aspects as well as entertaining conversation and companionship. I do NOT provide full service or ‘french’ finishes.

Q: How can I meet you?
A: Email me with your name/nickname, something interesting about yourself, and screening information and I will get back to you when I have completed screening to my satisfaction or if I need more information. You can find an example of what your first email could look like on my contact page

Q: Where will we meet?
A: I have a private studio set aside for us in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. Specifics will be provided once an appointment is confirmed.

Q: When can we meet?
A: My regular hours are ten to six on Sundays, ten to noon Tuesday’s, eight to five Wednesday’s, eight to two Friday’s, and occasional Saturday evenings. Monday and Thursday are my days off. Up to date availability can be seen on my contact, rates, and calendar page. Please reserve requests for alternative times to travel restrictions or old friends.

Q: What will we do?
A: We will chit chat a bit to get to know each other, then I will invite you onto my massage table where I shower you with soft caresses, kisses, and some therapeutic bodywork, among other things. I also provide unscented bodywash to cleanse yourself after our experience.

Q: what do you expect of me?
A: I expect you to be polite and responsive. Polite meaning following my lead, placing the donation in an obvious place early on in our encounter, arriving freshly showered or accepting a shower upon arrival, and just generally behaving well. Responsive meaning I like to know you are enjoying yourself and if not, why. I appreciate and gracefully accept feedback if you wish to give it.

Q: Do I need to be worried about viruses, infections, or diseases?
A: There is a risk through skin-to-skin contact of transmission of some skin infections and diseases. I reduce that risk by sanitizing all points of contact in between visitors and covering any scratches/injuries on my person with a liquid bandage seal. I am also extremely conscious of ‘cross-contamination’ and where our hands have been and will be. I also have regular health checks with my Primary Care provider to assess risks of communication or transmission. I appreciate your concern for our health and ask that if you have any skin issues, please let me know. I will never shame you or express disgust, I will simply avoid the area.

Q: How do you feel about gifts?
A: I love learning about people. What they decide to gift tells me something new and interesting about me. If you need some hints or help, see my blog post

Q: May I touch you?
A: I invite respectful touch above the waist and below the knees. Any other mutual interaction is at my discretion and is not to be expected.

Q: Do you ‘speak other languages’?
A: I do enjoy taking you to the cool lands of Mother Russia, but other languages are beyond me.

Q: Why haven’t I heard back from you?
A: I respond to emails in the following priority:
-Scheduling requests from screened individuals. Bonus if you are requesting a time listed as available on my calendar.
-Scheduling requests from new friends that are complete in introduction and information
-Scheduling requests that are for more than a week from receipt
-Scheduling requests that have complicated requirements, have incomplete scheduling information, or require a look into dates and times outside my regular hours (emails with combinations of the above may not be responded to at all).
-Social emails
If you fall into the above categories, please be both patient and persistent. I sometimes will read and forget to respond to an email. If it has been more than a few days, please feel free to send along a gentle reminder.
-Anything obscene, rude, or suspicious will not be responded to under any circumstances.

Q: Do you have alternative Screening?
A: I have two methods for screening
1) Two current providers will vouch for your identity and character. Both providers MUST have some screening process of their own. Meet and greets, phone calls, or some sixth sexy sense are not acceptable
2) Your first and last legal name and willingness to produce a photo ID. I will perform a short, absolutely non-invasive check of your online presence and will confirm your ID in person upon your arrival.
No other methods of screening afford me the feeling of safety I need to feel confident in what is often a compromising situation.

Q: Will you come to me?
A: I will not. I spend a great deal of time and energy creating a safe and sensual place for us. It would take so much time and energy to create that space somewhere else that I wouldn’t have any left for you! If you need time before or after to warm up or cool down, social time is available for 50/hh.

Q: What if I’m running late?
A: Please let me know as soon as you find out if you are running either late or early. The more time I have to plan, the more smoothly any hiccups are dealt with. You can either email or text me. Please do NOT call me.

Q: What if I’m early?
A: Early arrivals should wait either in a parked vehicle, in one of the nearby coffee shops or restaurants, or in the lobby of my apartent building. If I have not yet told you I am ready DO NOT come to my door. I do not wish you to stand in the hallway and if I am not ready I will not let you in. If you have let me know you have arrived and I have replied that I am ready, feel free to come up early but ONLY after I have told you I am ready.

Q: What if I have to cancel last minute?
A: A lot of that depends on how soon you let me know.
-If you give me more than 24 hours notice, that’s it. We can reschedule when you’re ready.
-With less than 24 hours, I ask that you put up with an extremely annoyed Christina. Books (SciFi or nonfiction), delicious snacks (cured or cylindrical meats, dark chocolate, etc.), wine (any white except Chardonnay), or pretty lingerie (size 6/small or 32DD) are appreciated appeasements.
-With less than 12 hours please expect to add a little extra to the donation next time we meet. Minimum suggestion: 10% of what it would have been had we met.
-If you cancel with less than an hour’s notice expect to add 25% to the donation next time we meet.
-If you simply don’t show up, I will require a 50% cancellation fee as well as full deposit on our next appointment. Amazon gift cards work great for that.
(Exceptions to these policies may be made for extraordinary circumstances.)

Q: Do you do duos?
A: I love to engage in the art of three way sensual touch. Please inquire as to partners and occasions.

Q: May I have ‘multiple cups’ during our session?
A: Yes and no. We can take five or ten minutes near the beginning to clear the pipes, as it were, so you may enjoy a more prolonged experience later on. This is best for the young and the deprived who take only a moment to start and finish that first time and who desire increased staying power. If you are looking for a high energy, sustained tension experience, you may want to book one of my high octane session. Reserved for established friends.

Q: May I bring toys?
A: During our first encounter, please feel free to tell me about toys you enjoy using or having used on yourself. I am willing to experiment with what you bring but will not purchase toys, nor will any be used on me in our sessions.

Q: Are you fetish friendly?
A: Yes, in that I love learning about alternative sexualities and am happy to talk about them. No, in that I am poorly equipped in temperament for role play or BDSM activities. You would be better served elsewhere.

Q: Do you offer prostate massage?
A: Yes, I provide gloved PM. I will follow your lead as to timing and duration. Please be aware that unusually tall gentlemen may be better served in this elsewhere; I have rather short fingers.

Don’t see a question? Just ask 🙂 I may wait until we are in person to answer it, but I’m happy to.


I worship cock. I always have. In all their variations, cocks fascinate, intrigue, please, and entertain me. I love how an erection can be an instant eraser of intelligence I’ve seen, great care I’ve felt, and deep conversations I’ve seen interrupted mid-sentence. That being said, the intelligence, conversation, and care are absolute prerequisites for that worship, intrigue, pleasure, fascination, and entertainment. Establishing a connection as two human beings who have something in common other than compatible genitals is critical for my personal enjoyment. Once that connection has been made, and sometime it comes in the aftermath, my interest and pleasure skyrockets.

Without that connection, I am capable of providing a high caliber service, but at that point it becomes a service. It ceases to be the genuine back and forth of an expanding relationship and stays firmly in the realm of a provider providing a service. I am capable of that experience and as an actor of both skill and talent it will be a service of caliber and quality, but it will not be the kind of session that makes me want to keep you late, nibble on cylindrical meats, chat long into the lazy afternoon, play with you again until you cannot rise, and fall asleep gently on your shoulder.

That is the session I most often share. I started to write the word ‘offer’ but I share it with you as much as you share it with me. I like to describe it as GFE, but back in high school. We’re both good kids, not doing anything that’s actually sex no matter how much we yearn for it. We kiss and kissing leads to touching, leads to more touching, leads to the kind of exploration that doesn’t focus on some kind of finish. It focuses on the touch, the tease, the closeness, the surprise finish that’s fun and sweet and rewarding but not a disappointment if it doesn’t show. It brings us both to a combined frustrated and satisfied frenzy and that’s when I worship your cock.

I want to touch it. I want to look at it and observe similarities and differences. I want to explore it and the surrounding area. I want to tickle your feet and see if it moves you. I want to trail my fingertips across your chest, searching for previously undiscovered spots that send shivers and tingles through your belly into your cock to make it twitch. I want to test your reaction to my excursions. I want to explore the textures, bends, folds, fuzz or lack. I want to watch your face and breath for peaks of intensity and valleys of relaxation. I want to feel the swell and regress of your glorious cock as I find patterns and rhythms that please you but don’t quite satisfy… not yet. I want to hear you pant and feel my breath rise with yours as we both get sucked into the hot, wet intensity of our arousal. I love the mental and emotional swell I feel when your physical cues tell me you’re walking the edge. I want to feel myself throb between my thighs as every thought and movement is for sex and sensuality. I want to feel you struggle to watch both my arched ass rock across your torso and your cock, barely visible in the gap between you and I as everything I have that can reach your cock caresses it, strokes it, slips across it until, after ages of touch and tease, I finally feel the pleasure and satisfaction of your hot, sticky, slippery cum all over me. I don’t even need that ‘finish’; I still want to worship and pleasure your cock, regardless of the outcome. I want to bring pleasure and excitement to your every moment. I want to cover you with warm slick oil and bring you a bliss that requires only your appreciation to plaster a grin on my face.

I’ve discovered in myself an intense internal reward system that fires when I am appreciated. It only takes a moment, only a thought, to share that appreciation. I don’t require, nor would I want, some epic of care and thankfulness. I wouldn’t press for thanks as my services are given in a fair exchange, regardless of the attitudes (barring the pushy or downright unsafe) of my beloved clients. Thanks and appreciation are only to give me pleasure, something I regularly and often receive. They enhance my experience and quickly turn a pleasant session into a memorable one I long to repeat. Once in fifty sessions I will have a simply pleasant experience. Those other 49 are rewarding in thousands of ways. Flowers, exotic cheeses, wines, words of admiration and appreciation, acknowledgement of time invested and time stretched, contented smiles, exhausted poses, repeats and returns, long conversations that have nothing to do with either of us, those are the things that bring me pleasure and joy and intensify just how much I worship your cock.

Who among you doesn’t desire appreciation and to be desired? When I meet you, as a human with thoughts, cares, a history, a life before us, I appreciate you. I appreciate that you may be nervous. You may be cautious. You may be carefree, celebrating a recent life event. You may be an old hand or brand new, you may be thick or thin, tall or short, old or young…. Every one of you has something that I appreciate. You are shy and I care for you. You are bold and I admire you. You are clever and I laugh with you. You are serious and I am careful for you. You are curious and I am excited for you. You are verbose and I convers with you. You are young and I teach you. You are old and I learn from you. You are kind and I am nurtured by you. You are misinterpreted and I understand you. You are unsure and I am sure for you. I am suited to my work; I am suited to you.

I long ago vowed that I would only interact with penises attached to awesome people. While I have sometimes bent this rule and have once or twice broken it, my experiences in the last few years have been absolutely consistent with this motto. Thank you, to those who have and those who continue to help me uphold my personal motto. You are the greatest of men. You deserve the worship of a great woman.

Thoughts on Wishes

There is a saying: “If wishes were fishes there’d be no room in the ocean for water.” I like old adages like that. Simple, but layered with meaning. On the surface it decries wishing, intimating that it is a waste of time but when you think about it, it is also an encouragement to do instead of simply wish for. Instead of filling the ocean with too many fish, work for what you want.


That being said, unexpected gifts are always nice. I’ve noticed that people often prefer buying for others to having things bought for them. Perhaps my sample is skewed, or perhaps in this day of consumer madness, people already have what they want but still like to buy things and so enjoy buying stuff to give away. In the context of you and me, perhaps you’d like to buy something in order to see me wear it. (I’m a size six or small in most clothing items including shoes and panties. Bra size 32DD. You know, in case you were wondering). Maybe you like to read and have a book sitting on your shelf you’d like to share. Perhaps you’re a tech guru and want to show off some new gadget. You might wish to take me to dinner or give me a gift card so I can take one of my girlfriends. Perhaps you’re not sure what to get but have an impulse to give a little extra, to show that you had a little extra fun this time. I hope if you choose to give me something nice it is something we can share such as a bottle of sparkling wine, some fresh fancy cheese, or a cute little number I wear special when you’re around.


If you like directions and suggestions, here are some places I like to eat at:

Purple Cafe and Wine Bar

Ethan Stowell locations

Tom Douglass locations

Whole Foods (gift cards make grocery shopping much less painful)

I also occasionally review places I’ve been on my Trip Advisor Account


I like great, expensive food and so the places I like to eat are often on the higher end of the spectrum. I can’t say the same thing for my clothes. I prefer second hand stores because current fashions are not flattering to a woman who isn’t waifish. I have noticed that I can wade through racks and racks of high end clothing and find perhaps one item I like. In a second hand store or at a garage sale I fill my arms with clothes and they all become my new favorite. That being said, I do like to turn over my wardrobe on occasion and when I do I usually hit one or two of the following.

Victoria’s Secret

Buffalo Exchange

Target (I kid you not, their panties are amazing)

Ross (for shoes and dresses mostly)

Banana Republic

Butch Blum


And for miscellania: I can always use candles, unscented or otherwise, and I’ve been looking around for a good candelabra or taper candle holder. If you stumble across something interesting and elegant that holds tapers, even if it’s just one, I’d love to add it to my candle collection 🙂

Bed Bath and Beyond is always a good bet, be it pillows, fuzzy blankets, dishes, music, or kitchen supplies.

Sur La Table is my preferred place for kitchen gadgetry

Lover’s Lair or Babeland gift cards are ALWAYS welcome

I’ve recently delved into collecting attractive things to wear. The best ones are quite indulgent. I’ve been intrigued by but not yet able to justify buying from one or more of the following:

Morgaine Faye (Portland gothic jewelry maker who creates perfect wearables for my assistant, Rose)

Artas Usuwil. Not all of it, though, the brilliant and the dark, the simple and the elegant.

Oru, if she ever did bracelets. But I love the system and the work.

Freeland Spirits makes an absolutely to die for Gin but it might be hard to find because they’re small and in Portland.

And of course good old Amazon. You can get practically anything there. Amazon gift cards prepare me for my late night bouts of intoxicated purchasing. A great pastime, actually, I highly recommend it ;-P The only gift more all purpose than Amazon gift cards is straight cash and at that point it’s not as much a gift as a tip. Which I suppose is also a gift. But whatever, you know what I mean.


As always, these are suggestions. As with most people, I won’t say no to gifts but I don’t expect them. It is all about what might bring you pleasure. For some people it’s having someone spank them for an hour, for others it’s giving gifts.


As always, I appreciate your attention and care and I hope to see you soon




My Amazon Wishlist
A taste of what I like to wear -VS

A Patron of the Arts

I mentioned this once, on TRB, after Adelle used the word ‘patron’ to describe the gentlemen who call on us. I find it a particularly apt word to describe our situation: I, the artist, create a space for you, my patron, to find calm relaxation, acceptance, the joy of release, and intellectual stimulation while enjoying sights, smells, and sounds of beauty and sensuality. You become not only benefactor but beneficent. Your patronage allows me to create that atmosphere for you much as the artist’s patron allows the musician to invest time and energy in creating works of aural art, the sculptor to bring life to clay and stone, the painter to capture and preserve deep emotion.

I mentioned before that the economic exchange between courtesan and client often makes one or both parties uneasy. When I first began, I found myself struggling to ask for even the lowest rates. To a young woman accustomed to wage slavery and plagued by undervaluation it took the insistence of others and a great deal of market research to discover what I might ask for and it still took several occasions of positive reinforcement for me to feel comfortable. After a time, I adjusted what I asked for as I felt more confident in my skills. I have changed what I offer as part of my art and have settled in a place that I feel comfortable.

I realize that in a traditional patronage it is often only one patron for one artist but I doubt any one person could or would be able to truly release me from more mainstream wages. In order to distribute the burden I and many others have several patrons. Also in traditional patronage it is not hourly but a stipend assured for as long as the artist is in the good graces of her patron and even then it is often variable. I find that arrangement unfavorable because it establishes a power dynamic that leaves me indebted to my patron while I prefer it to be an equal exchange on each occasion.

Despite the superficial differences, the meaning is the same. Your patronage frees me to create a space for you both physically in my studio and mentally. You free me to experience and share, to develop interesting ideas, to read books and mull them over, to help you reach comfort and bliss. You, my patron,  free me to practice my art.


The wine is getting to you. You knew drinking on an empty stomach would do that but for some reason you don’t mind.

You sit across from each other, chatting easily. She giggles at something you said, the wine gently sloshing in her glass and a smile dancing across her face. One hand is holding her glass, the other is squeezing your feet in her lap, absently wiggling your toes and kneading the arches. Between the visual, aural, and physical stimulus you find it hard to focus on the words but the conversations flows easily from topic to topic, a little hummingbird dancing on lips of flowers.

With the wine finished (most of it, anyway) she suggests the two of you take a look behind door number one. It is innocuous, white, with a plain cheap mirror stuck to the front but what it reveals is anything but plain. Soft light from above illuminates a pile of pillows, cushions piled up against the wall making a mound of cream colored squishiness. Her eyes invite you even more than her words and you both sink down toward the floor. The cushions are piled so as to push you together, holding you in the embrace of not only each other but cool pillows and a warm fuzzy blanket.

Time doesn’t exist here. There is nothing to distract from skin against skin and the warmth you generate together. The tingle from the alcohol blends in with the tingle where your bodies meet. It smells of cinnamon buns and coconut and lavender. You could almost fall asleep, murmuring sweet nothings to each other, listening to each other breathe. Her sleepy eyes flutter as she struggles to stay awake and loses. There is no time here.

Authentic Courtesan Experience

There has been a lot of talk over the last year about GFE. What does it mean? Why do we use it? Where did the term come from? I’ve always been a little confused about the term. Most of the people I see already have or had girlfriends or wives. If you want an experience with a girlfriend, why go outside the relationship? I guess that means that it isn’t really a girlfriend experience they seek, it’s something else.

Maybe it’s a polite way of finding a menu. In past discussions some have mentioned that GFE means kissing and hugging, talking, and making it all the way to home base. it’s a way to ensure the client knows mostly what to expect so he can choose a provider whose preferences match his. In the more polite corners of our little world, it’s not really ok to ask what you are and aren’t allowed to do, you have to go by reviews and then just kind of let the situation develop and hope you find someone who clicks. A provider calling herself GFE helps outline the basics of her services, making it easier to choose. Valuable, but not really girlfriend-like.

Perhaps it’s more to indicate the feel of the session. She says GFE so that means she’ll treat you with love and enthusiasm. You can be sure, within reason, that your time together will feel genuine, but not so genuine that she complains about work or has a headache today. It helps build the illusion and smooth over the awkward moments when the economic part of the relationship becomes obvious.

I am of the camp that the GFE acronym is overused. The meaning is too broadly applied. Undefined. I think what people are looking for is the Genuine Escort Experience. We see much of it here in Seattle and we are lucky. We see versions of it in Adelle, Tanuki, Chloe May, Myself, Sarah Nicole, Larissa, and dozens more I can’t think of off the top of my head. All the previous I have met in person. They are women who love sex, love people, and provide a genuine experience. We aren’t your girlfriend. We will never be angry with you because you’ve been away too long, we relish that you have returned. We do not poison your day with venom and spite on our coworkers, we provide a calm space to relax and vent. We do not bore you with routine, we dedicate space and time to your comfort, your relaxation, your desire and lust. This is not a girlfriend experience, this is an enthusiatstic provider experience.

As an enthusiastic provider, I love what I do. There is no farce or facade, there is only a joy and pride in what I do. When I anticipate your call, I am thinking about what will make you feel good. What will make you comfortable. What will make you feel sexy and relaxed. Not to say I don’t make that effort for my partner, but the day to day living makes special occasions harder to find/make. For client and provider, that hour, that moment, is everything. It is the entire relationship. In lieu of GFE I would advocate Courtesan. She knows who she is, why she does this work, and how to do it well. That is what I think we are looking for when we ask for GFE: a genuine experience with a sexual woman who isn’t a girlfriend but who is a professional companion. There is no awkwardness in the economic aspect of the courtesan relationship because it is beautiful and respected. There is no need to cloak it in relationship terminology.

I am all in favor of abolishing acronyms. Perhaps ‘Courtesan’ is a good replacement.

A personal history of sexuality

My most recent review of the Robert Heinlein novel ‘Friday’ has, as good fiction should, raised interesting thoughts that I feel are pertinent to my life, my professional activities, and my audience. I find it becoming appropriate to describe as best I can my sexuality and why I like what I like.

I am, above all, a pleaser. I love to watch and specially hear people affirm me and my abilities. You want to make me happy? Don’t try to do anything to me, simply relax and respond. I want to hear you grunt when I hit a sore spot and tell me that it feels good. I want to hear you breath hard and watch your muscles tense as you edge closer to climax. I want to see you smile at me when I come into view around the corner with a welcoming embrace. I want you to relax and find yourself drawn to come back time and time again because you enjoy what I do to you.

That’s a very important point. What makes me happiest is to DO TO YOU, not be done to.

It took me a good three or four years to overcome the social conditioning that has me quiet as a mouse when it comes to talking about sex with someone I’m having it with. I can talk the proverbial ear off people who aren’t my partner, but I learned early on that the male ego is extremely fragile and even the hint of dissatisfaction is grounds for hours of pouting and guilt tripping. Of course I now know that adults don’t pull that kind of crap but two years, my two first years, no less, of conditioning is not easy to get over. I have since stumbled my way into a relationship where being selfish was not only acceptable but actively encouraged. I found my partner urging me to please myself and what finally allowed me to give over was him letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was hot as hell and he hoped I’d do it as often as I wanted. The fact that getting off got him off allowed me to justify my selfishness and finally I started consistently climaxing, though still not every time. That dynamic is something I reserve for him. It is why I choose not to offer mutual touch or full service. He has earned that by his patient selflessness which he exercised long before we went to bed together. I cannot exercise that selfishness with just anyone.

It helps that we’ve had the time to crack the code, as it were. I would describe my equipment as a massive combination lock with a dozen, constantly changing stops on the dial. It also has a self destruct feature where trying too many times basically breaks it and I have to wait until next time to try again. Of course I still love sex for its own sake and always have, but having other people try to fumble through it when even I don’t know how it works is not ideal. My perfect sexscapade is orally pleasuring each other for exorbitant amounts of time, then getting in some vogorous but breif action, then cuddling.

I realize that many of you are also givers and that you get off on getting your partners off. I appreciate and identify with that SO much. I’ve been on the receiving end of several of your massages, gifts, and attention which makes me feel good. You know why it makes me feel good? Because it makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what your gifts or praise are, as long as they are genuine (which is why ‘perfect’ is a word I don’t much like), I will like them. It’s like a big circle of happiness that runs round and round, making both of us brighter with each circuit. It doesn’t matter whether your massage is light or firm, I feel physically good, so you feel good, so I feel good, and the loop returns. I’m not sure I’m explaining it very well but those of you who are like me will understand. Just making someone else happy fills up your love cup, you don’t need anyone to do it back to get the effect.

I’m pointing this out because I have had people ask me what I want to be done to me to make me happy. My answer is and always will be: nothing. Leave me in control of the situation so I am mentally pleased and satisfied. Let me know that you are pleased with what I do for you. Relax. Breathe. Feel. That is my reward and why I love what I do.