
I had a long time regular tell me that my marketing strategy was unusual. When I asked what he meant he referred to my Twitter feed and blog posts, most of them about how much I appreciate my clients and my work. I realized that, because my attitudes are part of me, and I am my brand, publishing my attitudes was building my brand. I hadn’t thought of it that way before; I started talking about how overwhelmingly great my clients are because I realized just how rare that attitude was. I thought, because of my experience with the (egregiously exclusive but also very kind to its members) TRB community, that everyone felt that way about their clients. Certainly that’s how it seemed. But after socializing with my peers a bit (and reading up on TNA threads) I realized that feelings ranged from deeply appreciative to actively angry.

I do not wish to dismiss my colleagues’ stories or feelings. Many, particularly minorities, have been treated poorly not only by clients but by civilian men and even friends or family. I cannot imagine the strength and professionalism it takes to give a client great service when in truth all you feel is anger or fear, or even emotions as mundane as boredom. Their stories do NOT inspire contempt or feelings of elitism. On the contrary, I am humbled by the sheer willpower of colleagues who have experienced nothing but abuse and contempt from the men in their lives and yet persevere for their families or for themselves in the face of PTSD or worse.

But I am a sponge, soaking up the attitudes of those around me. I am a chameleon, adapting my mood to my companions without even knowing it. If I recognize that one of my colleagues is venting* I can listen and empathize. However, after that I need to take care of my self and my own attitude. That positivity, that appreciation, shouted into the void (or Tweeted. Whatever) is partially a response to the end demand movement which claims my clients are evil and exploitative and partially me taking care of my own mind.

It is said that you need ten complements to counteract a negative statement and so, after any venting, I try to make sure that I recognize the overwhelmingly pleasant, respectful, kind, humorous, appreciative, sexy, sensual, well-intentioned, enthusiastic, responsive, intelligent, communicative, willing nature of my truly beloved clients. Because where one client is pushy, a dozen need invitation. Where one is entitled, scores are polite. Where one is blacklisted, hundreds are welcome back with open arms. This isn’t a marketing strategy, though that might be a great side effect, this is me protecting myself, using you, my beloved client, your joy and admiration, your laughter and passion, as a shield against that anger and apathy of the world.

*Venting: recounting a specific, negative incident in order to diffuse negative feelings and receive social support. “This client was pushy and it bothered me” Different from bitching: General, sometimes constant, complaining about nonspecific behaviors. “I hate it when clients are pushy!”

By Any Other Name

My sincerest apologies to those of you who have been surprised by my new assistant Rose. I’ve been terribly, delightfully busy for the last few weeks and she and I have been coordinating and learning and running around trying to help you and me and her all fit together well. I’ll tell the whole story soon but the long and short of it is that I got busy, not only busy but I developed an aversion to answering emails, particularly from new people. Screening was like pulling teeth in some cases and even minor lapses in communication caused me to respond with sharp words, or at least thoughts. It got to the point that a dozen little irritations colored every experience. I was so sensitized to petty things that I sometimes didn’t notice my own mistakes. I’m not normally easily irritable in general, so what happened?

What happened was my own thoughts; I spent too much time dwelling on negative interactions. Partly because there were enough new inquiries that weren’t consistent or complete and still needed attention but mostly because I had spent too much time reading ABOUT things that annoy people. Three threads in particular confirmed my decision to avoid the discussion threads on TNA.

The first, titled ‘what keeps a provider OFF your to do list?’, invited negative feedback by its very syntax. It was specifically asking for people to list negative behaviors. The sister thread, ‘what keeps a hobbyist OFF your to do list?’ was similarly worded to invite descriptions of bad behavior. When it occurred to me how inherently negative they were, I started my own, titled ‘What gets someone ON your to do list?’ I was proud of the first round of replies, people responding with appreciation for and positive comments on great treatment they had received in the past that made them want to see a provider or a client. And yet even that had a short life. One of my beloved clients responded, complementing me on the question and my general behavior, and was immediately passive-aggressively insulted by one of my friends. That was my last straw. I had been debating to myself a severe restriction of my TNA consumption and this was simply the nail in the coffin. I check up every once in a while to see what’s being said but in general I’ve shifted my attention elsewhere. While the first two threads are regularly bumped to the top of the discussion page, the third, doomed question fell farther and farther behind, buried under graphic images, rants, and petty bickering.

After limiting my TNA intake and giving Rose the responsibility for scheduling, my feelings of appreciation and positivity have gone through the roof. I am excited as fuck for my sessions and the quality has been steadily improving. There are several other contributors to my emotional success and sustainability but at the moment, Rose’s prompt, professional assistance, clear communication, and enterprising initiative is number one. Limiting my TNA exposure helped, but Rose’s aid over the last few weeks has been that last leg supporting my positivity. Numina Faye was with me as Rose began to tackle my inbox and I watched my notifications slowly dwindle. She watching with envy as the constant, low level stress of unread emails slipped away and I could focus on our time together (naked. In the hot tub).

I mentioned legs and support and such things and I wanted to give a shout out to some of my other supportive sisters. Numina and I spent a few days in Portland and in every work related conversation we both shared such pleasure and appreciation for our work that, though I was socially worn out by the time I got home (I know, socially worn out? ME? Haha), It was a happy glow kind of worn out. Sofina and I had dinner last week and again, work related conversation was overwhelmingly appreciative of our support systems, our beloved clients, and the astonishing realization that we might be in the minority in our attitudes. Adelle is consistently grounded, having trod this trail before me and made many of the same discoveries. I walk away from our every interaction feeling reassured, determined, satisfied, heartened, and loved. Danielle is a constant reminder of how lucky we are to share an industry that is constantly new, full of the most incredible people, always prodding us to grow in ourselves, and always a source of unrestrained enthusiasm. Savanna Sly*, lioness among lambs, exposes herself to social and political danger on my behalf and yours, bestowing and commanding respect wherever she goes, teaching the infant activist in me and sharing my respect for and appreciation of our beloved clients. Claire, so new to this world but already so perceptive, learning and growing and filling my incall with the most amazing positive vibes. Me, lucky to have so many colleagues who share my outlook, who lift me and support me as I lift and support them in turn.

*Savanna, for those who don’t know, is the SWOP-USA president and one of my most respected colleagues and activists. Others may make more noise, others may be more specialized, but Savanna is a connector, able to build bridges, listen and truly hear, and help shape national energy in the coming movement towards decriminalization. If you, beloved client, want us both to meet safe from legal or social punishment, please book an appointment with her (she does ProDomme and FBSM work) or if you can’t, donate to her living expenses/SWOP-Seattle/SWOP-USA. She’s only a visitor to Seattle but I can put you in contact if you wish.

Updates as of 5.21.16

Updates!!! So much has been happening of late that I thought even those of you who don’t receive my newsletter may want to know what I’ve been up to.

Most recently: I went to Portland! The nubile and buxom Numina Faye consented to join me on my Portland Venture. It was what I would consider a success but I’ll still be trying different timing next time. I went Monday through Thursday and I think next time I’ll try Thursday evening through Monday and see what changes. Our lovely hostess shared her home in absentia and we enjoyed her hot tub, enclosed and screened off from the neighbors; I don’t think we wore clothes almost the whole time we were actually home. The only problem was that I wanted to get some great photos and all I got was the one ‘selfie’ after she let me give her the simplest of manicures.

I’ve had emails sitting in my inbox from as long ago as February and I sincerely apologize both to my potential clients and my pocketbook. Anyone sending me an appointment request will meet with the professional skills of Rose, my new Email manager. I wanted to say something so no one is too terribly surprised. I still look at it and I will continue to answer any social missives (as best I can). Those of you who feel seriously uncomfortable with someone else being involved can reach me via my private phone number you received in my directions but I do not save phone numbers so you will have to identify yourself every time and give me some context and even then no promises. She and I are still working out scheduling kinks so please bear with us but so far things have been sleek and smooth. This means that new friends and those looking for closer to last minute appointments will be better attended, something I have begun to slack on because…

I’m becoming more of an activist and community organizer!! I’ve begun helping with SWOP (the sex workers outreach project, reached via and some of their outreach and activism as well as simply gathering an intimate group of colleagues and evolving my own view of my work. More to come there.

I’ve had some major family upheaval including weddings, moves, and some very interesting conversations. My family is quite conservative and sometimes their political leanings pain me but they are truly good people, the kind of Christians I imagine Christ himself would gently, lovingly accept despite their flaws. Very much the Samaritan, not-stone-the-woman types. My family exposure reminded me of a book I heard of recently: Chester Brown’s ‘Mary Wept at the Feet of Jesus’. One of my beloved clients gave me the opportunity to read Brown’s graphic novel while in Portland and it sparked a few interesting thoughts. As a former Protestant my religious education was long running and pervasive. Brown’s religious education is far more in depth and less About studying the Bible alone versus studying it along with all the things that have been said about it. There are several things I would have changed, first among them being the placement of his extensive notes. The cartoons are unimaginative and disengaging, particularly for some one who knows the stories already. They may have been more engaging first, if they were simply more; more dialogue, more images, etc and second, if they were preceded or immediately followed by his analysis. That analysis was by far the most interesting part of the volume. I loved the succinct yet thorough analysis of parables and stories and his theory regarding Matthew’s genealogy was certainly intriguing, but overall the book as a form of entertainment was kind of blah. I still plan to read his memoir, ‘Paying for it’ because it’s a client story which I am so interested in. He’s a Christian who voluntarily and, it sounds like, respectfully saw sex workers for over a decade and wrote about it; how can I not want to read that!?!

Aside from that the only major updates are: things are good. Life is good, business is good,the weather has been weird but before that it was good, the future looks good, everything looks pretty, well, good 🙂 Thank you, as usual, for being part of the good.

Oh, and Old Cowboy has made it safely through surgery and is at home, still recovering but in good spirits! 🙂

Died of a Broken Heart

My heart broke today. I send out an infrequent and irregular email newsletter partly to remind my lovely clients that they should come see me but mostly just to send updates about my activities into a slightly more curated void than a public blog. I sent out my email this afternoon and received this automated response:

“Thank you for your time…..however….it is time I move on with my life and recommit myself to the ones who have loved me. I am guilty of horrible transgressions and now must attempt to rebuild my life and embrace my children and wife of 29 years. This email account will no longer be active….may God bless you….and I pray he forgive me.

Please wish me luck as I attempt to rebuild my life from the few pieces that remain.”

My responses are many and varied but the overwhelming sense is one of loss. This industry can provide the impetus and the safe structure to reexamine your personal life and realign your actions with your personal ethic. Unfortunately, because of the socially acceptable narrative regarding sex work, that reexamination is often fraught with anger, shame, regret, and a sense of loss instead of gain. While I applaud this gent’s rededication to his life and family, these two tiny paragraphs catch at my throat as I read them to myself.

Horrible transgressions? Confusion or neglected or anger need a safe outlet and professional providers can help create that. Rebuild your life? He and the providers who saw him through the rebuilding deserve respect, not shame. Any God worth worshipping will forgive confusion and the deception necessitated by broken relationships.

I do wish him luck, though I also wish him and his loved ones a healthy sense of humanity. We all make mistakes. Sometimes they involve withholding sex from our husbands, sometimes they involve deceiving our wives. Sometimes they involve impulsive decisions, sometimes they involve long term planning. Humans make mistakes, then we learn from them. It’s how we have lived life for millennia and the fact that I can feel this client’s self hatred through his words makes me angry. While I don’t agree with deception or spending money you don’t have, discovering this industry does not happen in a vacuum and obviously he learned something valuable as fuck in his adventures.

If anyone reading this is looking to either exit or enter this industry (provider or client), please try to keep shame out of the equation. An honest assessment of your situation, absent the whirlwind of society’s negative emotional narrative, can do wonders. Recognize that sometimes this is a safe and reasonable answer to a problem, sometimes it is not but in neither case should you considering it or me offering it raise feelings of shame and anger. Please. I beg you: think clearly and forgive yourself a little.

Call me Maybe

Update: I ended up not using the phone and eventually lent it to a friend whose phone suddenly went kaput so she could contact her family and friends while driving home late at night. If I decide to get another phone I’ll let people know but as of now, email is really the best way to reach me. obviously the phone thing was a failed experiment, sigh.

I have a work phone now. If you’ve seen me, you have my google voice number but it’s generally for texting and I don’t want it published on the Internet. As of last week, however, I decided to take the plunge and get a burner phone. The number is (206)295-9138 and it is a dumb phone so texting is cumbersome.

I’ve decided that this is how I will manage it: Phone calls from numbers I haven’t saved into the phone will go to voicemail. You leave a message letting me know who you are and, if I know you already, I’ll save your number and will answer phone calls or text messages. If I don’t know you, you leave a voicemail and let me know when I can call you back. I’ll call back and we can do the whole who are you, who are your references, etc thing and go from there. After we’ve met, I can save your number into my phone and you can call or text to book in the future. I hope that makes as much sense to you as to me.

If you choose the phone option, please make sure you have a burner phone or at least a proxy such as Google voice, etc. While discretion is the first line of defense, digital security is the second line of defense and a burner phone is both easy and cheap to get. Go to the drug store and buy one in cash and call it your emergency car phone. Google voice has an app you can bury in a folder on your smart phone or forward the number to your regular phone.

I still prefer email but I know sometimes a phone call is easier and if I have your number saved, then I’ll never forget that you’re awesome and I want you back 😉

Thank you for your patience with my changing options.

What happened to The Review Board?

Last January, was seized by law enforcement as part of a sex trafficking investigation. The community that had so long relied on it as a source of quality erotic service providers and positive community engagement scattered. Same panicked, some still are, but the community is intact and ok.

At the center of the investigation were Korean women working here in Seattle and the group of men and at least one woman responsible for their management. The facts, as best I know them, are these: a small group of people, mostly clients and members of the review board, formed an association for the sole purpose of aiding the movement of Korean women from Korea to the US and from place to place periodically. This group arranged for apartments to use as the women’s workplaces, scheduling services, advertising services, and screening. The group, calling themselves The League of Gentlemen, were indiscreet in their activities, often meeting in public to discuss their activities and admitting in detail their business model to an undercover detective who had been invited into the group. On January 6, 13 men and one woman were arrested and 12 Korean women were removed from the apartments they worked out of (I think. It was reported by LE that they ‘rescued’ 12 women but it is unclear what happened) and the review board, along with a dedicated ‘K-Girl’ website KgirlDelights, was seized as part of the investigation. There is a very long discussion on TNABoard about the status of the league members and there are a lot of details to wade through but it is clear that they are facing several criminal charges all for promoting prostitution.

Law Enforcement has stated they will release all information to any journalist who submits an information request so anyone who has had an appointment with a ‘K-Girl’ or who gave personal information to anyone involved in the league should take precautions against when, not if, their name is released as a client. I can recommend the services of my personal attorney and would be happy to direct trusted clients to his firm. There is a former prosecutor offering his service to SWOP and to clients but he has much yet to learn about our community.

The narrative from LE is that they rescued women from sexual slavery, daily sexual violence, and emotional and financial abuse by their pimps. The Sex Workers Outreach Project officially told a different story about nosy, racist law enforcement pushing a moral agenda on consenting adult sex workers. My personal thought is that the truth is somewhere in between. It is reasonable for women to choose sex work in the US instead of sex work in Korea. I know that if those were my options I would choose the US and if I spoke little to no English I would need assistance in finding a work place, scheduling clients, etc. Many women choose sex work not because they love it but because it fits their needs better than other work and I respect that. Several providers from that group attended a meet and greet party and admitted to coming here with full knowledge and of her own free will. I suspect they had little control over their client list or their menu of services offered and that doesn’t sit well with me but it’s only a suspicion and disliking your job isn’t the same as being sexually assaulted or forced, defrauded, or coerced. One provider accused the female member of the league of purchasing a debt from Korean mobs and then using threats of violence and coercion to force the provider into sex work. If true, that is despicable and exactly the sort of thing SWOP objects to. They argue that decriminalization will make it easier to separate out genuine cases of force, fraud, and coercion into sex work if those of us who choose it freely are able to operate with minimal interference. On this I have no hard answers, only what would make my life easier and, ideally, free up resources.

Independent providers have not been compromised. Myself and my colleagues laid low for the first few days but it is very clear that, while LE is leaning towards an ‘end demand’ strategy, individual providers are not of interest and it is highly unlikely that we will attract LE attention unless there are complicating factors such as drug use, underage providers, or other risks. Clients can rest assured that their favorite independent providers are still around, still seeing clients, and learning more about digital security systems and such.

That being said, digital security is only the second line of defense. Before LE spends resources investigating someone or something, they need to have something that raises a flag to attract attention. The high number of men entering and leaving the building along with providers who obviously speak little or no English brought attention from the neighbor’s who contacted LE and made the first of many steps connecting the online agencies to real people. LE had known about the board’s existence for years, to the point of attending one or two parties, but had nothing big enough to incite a true investigation. This particular case provided a high profile bust, a lot of seized assets, and the potential for felony convictions instead of simply misdemeanors. The digital trail only provided the evidence to convict, not the motivation to investigate.

This is why I say that digital security is only the second line of defense: the first line of defense is not making yourself a target. If your provider gives you long and detailed instructions, read them and follow them. Don’t wait near her building, wait in your car or at a nearby coffee shop. Don’t knock unless she tells you to. Say hello and goodbye with the door closed. Don’t try to come in until she tells you she’s ready. These are all things we ask you do to decrease the attention we get from our neighbors because neighbors are the first step down a path to trouble.

Back to the community impact: Many of us are left drifting with no appealing options. The Hobby Hunter is Portland based and can raise confusion, though it is a kind and pleasant community. TNABoard has providers and clients that run the gamut from amazing and professional to downright scary and the scary ones tend to be the most vocal/active in the discussions and so the feel of the community is often hostile. I am slowly but surely compiling a list of ladies I know in person or by reputation to be professional and safe but it is no replacement for their own freely given voices. We are working to keep the community alive, however, so don’t give up hope, just stay in touch. I appreciate the continued support of my beloved clients and my community and look forward to what comes of all this turmoil.

Facing Mortality: A Beloved Client in Distress

I’ve been collecting oral histories from my clients. Or at least, I have collected one oral history so far. The plan is to compile the brief history of you as you, the client, have come to know me or my colleagues. The purpose is to show the myriad paths that lead clients to erotic service providers and, more importantly, to break the stereotype of the innocent man lured in by the wiles of the wanton woman or the evil, disgusting pervert who takes advantage of poor, victimized women. My compilation should inspire laughter, tears, and a sense of connection from the reader to the gentlemen found within the pages.

One gent in particular was high on my list. At 89 years old he discovered erotic service providers and proceeded to visit us all. Old Cowboy has come to be known, loved, and respected by provider and client alike. His story is both beautiful, innocent, and just naughty enough to make me giggle. The white half of a forbidden interracial love, nationally renowned sportsman, world traveler, sensualist, and still in possession of great wit, Old Cowboy is an inspiration to all who know him in person or by reputation.

Unfortunately, he is currently under medical duress. I do not feel comfortable disclosing anything specific, suffice it to say I and many of my colleagues are concerned. One of our own is by his side and can relay well wishes and messages of care and admiration but I feel the community at large would like to know. When Froggy Goes A’Courtin’ passed away, our community was able to share via our message board his status and our thoughts and well wishes. Now that we are once again in danger of losing one of our own I can only hope that my little corner of the Internet will suffice. Providers, please feel free to share with your clients. Clients, feel free to share with your ATFs. Things like this need community because who else can we share it with?

I recognize the selfishness of attaching my own thoughts to someone else’s tragedy but this is my little corner of the Internet and so I will take a few paragraphs for my response.

First, I’m not sad. My own sense of mortality still hasn’t hit me as a younger person with all eight grandparents still around. The idea that someone with so much life and energy is in danger of losing it doesn’t resonate with me; it hasn’t hit me in my gut yet.

Second, while I will miss more contact with Old Cowboy, that’s an incredibly selfish reason to regret someone else’s mortality. I hope for him many more years of joy and vitality but if he has none left, I know from even the little I knew of him that he has lived a FULL life and I feel privileged for the time and humor he shared with me.

Finally, it reminds me of a conversation I’ve had off and on with Adelle Sabatier. She began her erotic services career at a young age and has always attracted a mature clientele. She has watched her clients go through loss and change and has seen the gray turn to white over the last decade. As a young woman just entering her fourth decade, she is the only of her peers to face the mortality of her closest friends and supporters. Hopefully that day is far off for me but it could come as early as tomorrow.

I wish him all the best and I know you do, too. He has a great sense of humor and he would hate to have us worry instead of celebrating so you’ll find no sadness around these parts, only inspiration, delightful memories, and huge hopes for all our futures.


As many of you know, I’m going away for September. I’ve never been overseas before and I’m so pleased that my lifestyle affords me this exciting opportunity. Iceland, Scotland, England, and France are all exciting destinations with man things to see and do but what I’m looking forward to the most is cutting myself off from technology. I want to sit under the crisp fall sun with a tiny cup of espresso, a baguette, and some fresh butter and just watch the people walk by. I want to spend an entire afternoon lying on the heather, smelling fresh air and watching the clouds scudding across the sky. I want to sit in a quaint English pub and listen to the people chatting in their amazing accents. I want to submerge myself in the natural hot springs and wash away the tight muscles and frown lines. While I’m excited to sight-see, I’m most excited to simply be still.

It was as I contemplated my vacation schedule, deciding generally where to be and when and looking forward to leaving technology behind, I had a nagging feeling of familiarity. It took a bit to figure out what was ringing a bell about this prospective vacation until I was talking about it in session. I suddenly realized that I get the chance to disconnect daily: When you’re here. In session, I give my physical and emotional strength and focus to you and you alone. My emails, texts, calls, and Twitter feed can wait and for our short slice of the day I am on vacation! I’m focused on the now and the here with only you as my distraction and it really does feel like a mini stay-cation.

So I suppose I should thank you, once again, for your kind patronage, your support that allows me full freedom and a few hours each day to disconnect with the word to reconnect with you.

Old Cowboy’s Review

After our board went down, many well established ladies lost our reviews. While many opinions about reviews exist, I would argue that they help establish a safety net for our clients. Some reviews can be explicit, oozing mysogynistic machismo and turning off exactly the lovely gents I wish would come see me. Others are hopelessly biased for any number of reasons and can come across as overly romantic or pandering, often leaving clients unimpressed by the provider in person. Reviews by those such as Old cowboy walked the line and did it well. In my opinion, the ideal review is accurate and honest, even when not 100% flattering, assumes the best intentions of the provider, has some humor, and most of all establishes that the provider lives up to her claims. While no review is perfect, Old Cowboy’s was a delight and one of the few that was recovered. Here it is reproduced by permission in its entirety with no edits.

Posted by: old cowboy ®
02/13/2015, 11:09:10
Author Profile Edit
NAME:Christina Slater
PERSONALITY:Intelligent – Playful
WEIGHT:Just right
BUST:See comments
CLOTHES:Slinky sexy
DO’s or DON’T’s:The usual
SCREENING PROCESS:References needed
PHONE:After screening
RATES:50 roses for an introductory half hour and 250 roses for one and a half hour of FBST
COMMENTS:George Bernard Shaw said ” Youth is wasted on the young”. Not when there are Christina Slater’s in the world and they are willing to share their youth with those of us who are lucky enough to participate in TRB community. Another saying comes to mind from the Jerry Seinfeld TV series “They are real and they are spectacular”. Christina has the quality of imagination, the vigor of the emotions, the predominance of courage over timidity, and a preference for adventure over the life of ease. Christina’s blog is amazing writing with insights far beyond her years. She is combining these attributes with technical training in massage school. The combination makes for an experience not to be missed.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

It seems unusual that I should not have seen such an iconic film as Breakfast at Tiffany’s but the title suggested to me a frivolous theme akin to an early sex and the city. The book is short, a few bus rides long, but tells the complete, poignant, irritating story of Miss Holiday Golightly, traveling.

I was going to try to write a review through a purely academic lens, addressing my thoughts about Miss Golightly without too much coloration from my perspective as a provider of erotic and companionable services, but I found myself constantly irritated at her usurpation of my profession (though of course it’s not the same and she came first). I found her conduct to be unethical and unbecoming, her treatment of her friends to be childish, and her fixation on money over affection demoralizing.

First, though, the writing is gorgeous. Evocative, descriptive, poignant, sometimes surprising, I felt every moment like I was watching a film or even living life along with Holly and her friends. I’ve never read anything by Truman Capote but I. am now convinced. He has an unusual way of working with sex workers as a narrative component as demonstrated in the short story ‘House of Flowers’ and also the pastimes of miss Golightly. It may be a side effect of him exploring alternative relationship styles but in any case it’s fair, in that dramatic writers make use equally of whichever interesting characters fall in their way. He writes gossip but in such a way as to make you sympathetic towards all sides. We are both protective and irritated by Holly’s antics and in either case, we find nuance in her relationships. I enjoyed the book and would suggest it for a quick twice-over. I plan on reading it again sometime over the next year.

The narrator, never identified, tells the story of his acquaintance with Holly as a flashback prompted by reminiscences with an old friend. Joe Bell, owner/operator of the bar around the corner from where our narrator and Holly occupied neighboring apartments, calls our narrator to come see something. The two convene in Joe’s bar to view a photo. One of Holly’s other neighbor’s had been a photographer and on a trip across Africa he snapped a shot of a carving. Despite the ten years since they last saw her and despite it being slightly stylized, all of Holly’s acquaintances recognize it as her spitting image. This first impression evokes adventuresses like Jane Goodall and Emilia Earhart but our second glimpse, the beginning of the flashback, brings us a very different image.

Audrey Hepburn was the perfect cast for the role of Holly Golightly. Described as slender and chic, young, with a wide mouth and perfectly arranged accessories, Holly is a young (very young: just shy of 19) woman well aware of her feminine power. It’s hard to tell whether she possesses an unusually precocious self awareness or is compensating for crippling self doubt but either way she powers through suitors and gets what she wants. We first meet her as she turns her evening’s escort down for sex. Her mastery of the situation is obvious; Holly is a master of the art of leading on. Over the course of the evening, she realized that this suitor was not worth her time. Instead of ditching him and finding her way home alone and possibly in danger, she kept her wits about her, prepared herself well, and cut him off at the last moment once she was safely behind her own door. Within moments of meeting her we know that she is what we now call a ‘sugar baby’. She spends time with older, wealthy men, sometimes having sex with them, usually not, but always getting money out of them. Capote himself said of her that she was like a modern American Geisha: entertaining gentlemen for an evening, dining and drinking on their dime, and taking their money home with her whether she chose to sleep with them or not.

In some ways I admire her. She is making the best use of her particularly compelling personality and physique in a man’s world and doing it with surety and charm. She makes friends easily but keeps herself guarded and, had she a bit more discipline, could have accomplished her goals easily. Her adventurousness and vitality inspires those she meets but her constant wanderlust prevents her from forming strong bonds, even with the family she had in the Midwest. Her brother Fred is the only lasting bond she has and his death severs what ties she had.

In other ways, she irritates me. She acts childishly, shunning the genuine care of others, spitefully spreading gossip when thwarted, petulantly manipulating herself into the fond affections of others, and lashing out with words when afraid. She makes money from leading men on, never being true to herself, and she disdains the men she lives off of. Her impulsive behavior finally creates such a tangled situation that she simply flies away, never communicating again with those who grew to love and care for her.

And in many ways, I identify with her. She is young, but old enough to prioritize. She is bright and committed when she puts her mind to something but social enough to maintain relationships all over the city. She is perceptive in many ways, naïve in some, and she fills her life with a wide variety of men. I firmly believe mine are far superior but that’s my hubris talking, haha.

This book stirred some interesting thoughts in me, many of which are still forming, though I read the book several months ago. I noticed as I wrote about Miss Golightly that I had a hard time feeling for her as a character because I kept getting angry at her as a sex worker, then upset with myself at my inability to set my work aside long enough to appreciate the story. My Twitter feed has widened and I’ve gotten to personally know some of those I follow a bit better but at the time I was writing this review, my feed was awash with angry sex workers fighting for their rights and the idea of this little strumpet getting everything (mostly) she wanted without behaving like a professional irritated me. My worldview has softened a bit and gotten more hopeful as the links and posts and little quotes are more sexwork positive, more media outlets are working with us not ‘on our behalf’ without us and as my own feelings towards the outside world improve I remember that we are all humans as much as we are sex workers. Miss Golightly has the right to conduct herself however she chooses, regardless of how I personally feel about it. The same applies to all my brothers, sisters, and Trans colleagues out there conducting themselves differently than me. However they choose to manage themselves is up to them, all you and I can do is react, the same as Holly’s friends and patrons reacted to her. Some were angry, some were sad, some were hopeful, and some were inspired. I will always strive to inspire and give hope but I cannot always be all I wish to be and in the meantime, I only hope no one judges me as harshly as I first judged Miss Holiday Golightly, Traveling.