Rev: Duo with Iris Anelito and one lucky hunk

LOCATION: My place, but she has a place in Belltown
DATE: Last Thursday, June 9
NAME: Iris Anelito
INCALL/OUTCALL: My incall, but she has one, too
AGENCY OR INDY: I can’t imagine her needing anyone else
ACCURATE PICTURE: Yes ~ Her face is even more beautiful than the figure seen in her photos
AGE: Mid thirties, timeless
PERSONALITY: Perceptive, intelligent, wise, deliberate, sensuous… All I could want in a woman
RACE: Asian American, with the best of both worlds
BODY TYPE: Petite, slender yet feminine.
WEIGHT: I’m terrible at this part, but if I’m 135, she must be 115 or 120?
HEIGHT: Shorter than me!! That never happens, haha 🙂 but not by much, only an inch or two.
BUST: Perky, responsive, used to great effect
WAIST: Slender and fit, gently curved both up and down.
HIPS: Again, gently curved and firm.
HAIR: Black and close-cropped, framing a small, sensuous face
EYES: Dark, shouldering, inviting
FEET: Clean and petite, painted, sure
SKIN TONE: Amber honey, ripe olives, smooth to the touch
TRIMMING: Polished
TATTOOS: Beautiful, feminine ink flanking her hips and arcing up her back. Very visually appealing, enhancing her already toned curves.
SCARS: None that I noticed
PIERCINGS: I didn’t notice anything other than ears
MOLES: Nothing remarkable
BIRTHMARKS: Nothing noticeable
CLOTHES: Very professional one piece business attire, knee high teal socks, distinct absence of bosom support 😉
MOANER OR A SCREAMER: She had more… tactile occupations for her mouth
ENERGY LEVEL DURING THE SESSION: I’m having difficulty describing it. Not low energy, for sure, but not high energy either. Like embers, hotter than fire but hidden under a dampening layer of warm ash. All three of us were totally absorbed in the slow burn.
MULTI SHOTS DURING THE HOUR: Start with one and see if you feel the need to try for another. I’m willing to bet you’ll need a very long nap first, haha!
SMOKES: I don’t think so
DRINKS: I’m sure she would but they were on their lunch breaks so unfortunately not this time.
KISSES: Oh. My. God. I haven’t been so stricken by a first kiss since I first kissed my current partner over three years ago. Soft, sweet, slooooow, erotic, arousing….. I can’t even describe
RUSSIAN: She’s REALLY good with her hands 😉
DO’s or DON’T’s: DO read her website and go see her! She has a full personal life so take care to make a good first impression.
SCREENING PROCESS: For this duo I had a good regular to introduce to her. For her screening, see her website.
PHONE: She will provide at her discretion
RATES: 250/hour, 375/90 minutes, 500/2 hours, 700/3 hours (with nibbles and chatting)
RECOMMEND: Wholeheartedly!
COMMENTS: Some of you have already heard me say that women are like Cinnamon: a great addition to any dish but you wouldn’t want to eat a spoonful by itself. I like women as an enhancement and addition to heteronormative interactions but women by themselves don’t physically arouse me….. Until Thursday. Some combination of her soft, smooth, olive skin, her exquisite, teasing kisses, her brilliance, her full contact and the way her eyes smouldered at both of us… If sexual energy could be quantified, she would be the wealthiest woman in the world.

Traffic made her a bit later than she wanted to be, so the two of them accidentally walked in together. He with a big grin on his face, her wearing her shining, knowing smile. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on both of them, so it was only a few minutes before I stood behind him, she in front, our hands working together to undo buttons from collar to belt. Exquisitely slowly and yet in no time flat, we all shed our clothes and moved from the living room into the massage room and we laid him down on my table. Four warm hands smoothed fragrant oil over his back, his legs, from shoulder to toe. The details are fuzzy, as was my brain, but I remember her leaning over him to kiss me, I remember all our hands on each other, I remember her kisses and his kisses and their kisses and all our hearts racing and breath coming fast and heavy. I don’t remember when we turned him over, only that it felt like the right time. I remember he and I both so completely taken by the sexual power and energy that we couldn’t think or speak, only feel, only touch. I remember that she seemed like the only one of us who had any presence of mind left when he and I finally got our legs under us and started to get cleaned up! If the expression on my face was anything like his, then I looked dazed and useless for the rest of the day, haha!

I love duos, but I’ve never been in such a deeply arousing duo session before. Danielle and I chat and giggle and I just try to keep up. Adelle and I are focused on you and your pleasure enjoying each other enjoying you. Lauren and I are hands on massage therapists. Numina and I give and take, both still learning from each other. Iris and I…. I’m like a little puppy, following her, begging for more kisses and more time. She split her time perfectly between he and I, I felt, though I would have happily spent hours in her thrall. I highly recommend a get together with her, seriously.