Happy Thanksgiving

I’m always grateful for my wonderful friends and beloved clients but every year for the last few I’ve written about it. I write about it often enough, anyway, but Thanksgiving just seems like such an appropriate time to do so thoroughly.

I hope you all had a lovely time with your families and friends, I hope you all have been enjoying the mild weather here, and thank you for helping me reach my goals. If next month is anything like the last eleven, I’ll have reached my monthly and yearly financial goals and then some. As a result of recent changes, I’ve been able to spread my time around. I’ve been working on a re-redesign of my website that should be done soon, I’ve been working on sites for a few close friends, looking into grant writing and policy shaping, and of course doing some volunteering at an animal shelter. I also moved to a new apartment in the same building which meant a whole round of moving things and setting new stuff up, all I need now is some nice art for the walls and to hang up my mirrors (still).

It feels so good to have a new, beautiful space to entertain and amuse. Finding a place for every item has been a pleasing problem to solve. As you know, I try to create a welcoming, clean, safe, and relaxing space to escape the world and the new one has that and an absolutely gorgeous view. I feel safe here and that means you’ll get my best, every time. I am thankful to my loyal and beloved friends who make it possible to reserve such a fantastic place for us.

My darling friends have been coming over to play more often, Sofina joined me the other day for a playful little lunch hour and oh darling did we enjoy ourselves, haha! Both a little shy and nervous, but good, giving, and game. I am so thankful that I get opportunities so often to share my space and my self with my loving, charming friends.

Rose has proven worth her weight in gold and I’d like to thank the darlings who have shown their appreciation in gifts, tips, and quick, concise scheduling requests. She has become a huge part of my success and I am terribly thankful for her diligent and thorough service.

I’m absolutely loving the mild winter. I’m not a fan of being cold and these last few months have only had little blips of freezing rains and biting winds. Even then, thanks to a few generous beloveds I am well insulated in my weatherproof shoes and warm, durable outerwear. I am thankful for the caring, generous attitude from my darling friends that prompts them to pamper and take care of me.

I’ve had the chance to try a few fun new things this last year and, while I’m still not sure where unusual new activities fit, if at all, I’m thankful for a clientele and an industry where I encounter some amusing behaviors and desires.

I’m thankful for the strong, beautiful community I’m in that shares warmth and courage and advice. I feel far beyond my years and I attribute it directly to the influence of the wisdom of my social groups.

And of course, I’m thankful for you, my reader, probably my client but maybe not, who has told me how much they appreciate me either in web traffic, comments, or appointments. Thank you, and I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.