Special Circumstances

First off, let’s establish that I hate the term sugar daddy. I don’t like being in an imbalanced power dynamic and I’m certainly not going to call anyone daddy. I’m going to say patron for ease of use.

I’ve tried seeking arrangement and what I’ve found is a pool of men across all demographics who have one thing in common: they want to find a girl who behaves professionally, but doesn’t charge professional prices. They want her to be on time, always ready for sex, free of complications such as boyfriends or health issues or personalities. They’re looking for someone who will commit to frequent multi-hour appointments as well as communication in between while only asking for a few thousand a month. Sometimes they want to ‘mentor’ young women which might be truly helpful for some but in my case, I don’t like unsolicited advice. Other times they don’t want to offer real money, even such small amounts, so they offer gifts that might be nice to have after bills are paid but until then are simply baggage. They want their ‘baby’ to prove herself without proving themselves in return and they want to be thanked for it.

I find that kind of behavior infuriating from both sides. A successful sugar baby walks a line where she gives enough to whet the appetite but holds out for more. One provider I know did it in college with something like “I’d love to go on a date with you but my power bill is stressing me out so much I don’t think I could relax enough to enjoy it. You’re willing to pay my bill for me? Oh my goodness thank you SO much!” Once word got round that if you paid a bill for her she’d put out, she didn’t pay her own bills unless she wanted to. I just don’t have the skill to tease it out like that. Girls have to play dumb to make it with these guys and I don’t know if you’ve met me yet but playing dumb, well let’s just say it’s not my strong suit.

That said, when a client evolves into a patron, it forms one of the most fun, pleasant, mutually rewarding dynamics I’ve ever known.

I my experience, there are three general phases: client, regular, and patron

First, we jump through each others hoops. You’ve undergone screening, didn’t haggle, showed up on time, etc. I’ve showed up clean and on time, provided services as advertised, look like my pictures, etc. After meeting a few times, we’ve gotten to know each other, maybe you’ve tipped or offered gifts, maybe I’ve been more flexible for you… This is when we move towards regular status.

Generally we get along. I like smart men who like smart women. I like ribald and thoughtful conversation. When we’re together, it’s easy. We’ve seen each other either long enough, often enough, or under unusual enough circumstances that we share some inside jokes now. We’ve maybe tried something different and our sessions have morphed. If it’s been a while since I’ve seen you I notice it and wonder after you. You care and you mean it. You’re a regular client.

Most of the people I see are people who have settled into the regular phase. It’s comfortable and lovely and when I see your name on my calendar I get excited. Then there are a very few who created a special arrangement. Either explicitly or organically, you became my patron. These arrangements don’t look the same from person to person but they all are based on mutual respect and appreciation and a great deal of self awareness and clever witty banter. They also involve more commitment on both parts, so they’re not a good fit for most people which is why it happen so rarely.

When I was negotiating with these potential ‘daddies’ on SA (and can I say, some of them were just gross. Give daddy his new baby? That is not cute), in the back of my mind I had this sense of shame. What was I doing, putting up with the suspicion and constant need for attention and lack of follow through when I had this beautiful group of regulars and patrons who never asked that of me? How disrespectful to my clients was it to tolerate this crap from others when they have never asked me to? I lasted about a week before deleting my profile.

This was sparked partly by a TNA discussion on finding a girl to patronize, partly by my seven day dabbling, and partly because I’ve talked to people about arrangements like this before and really, they only work well when they evolve slowly. I can’t enter into a special agreement without equality and mutual respect and that rarely happens without spending time together first.

As always, I owe a great deal to my regular clients and my patrons. My financial security, my ability to assert myself, my strengthening sene of self, and of course a fair number of orgasms, haha. Thank you for jumping through my hoops so I could learn to trust you, for allowing me to pamper you with all I can muster because with your attitude and affection, you’ve earned it.

Le menu du jour

I’m not sure why I don’t get this question very often but my friends often do: some variation of “what’s on the menu?”

I haven’t had a menu for a long time, partly because it wasn’t normal on the old board, partly because I was doing massage only and it’s generally understood to be pretty restrictive, and partly because I don’t want to promise the same thing to different people.

As I get back into the swing of things, I’m learning that I have a cycle of desire. I sort of knew that already; there were days when my body responded with near irresistible desire and others when even people who usually turned me on weren’t doing it for me. I’ve only in the last week started actually recording these swings because it finally became really important.

I’ve talked to a few people about this; how some days I’m just not excited for sex but other days I can’t get enough. Without fail, everyone wants to come over when I’m insatiable. This sounds great to me, too! The problem is, so often, I don’t know until I’m in the moment. It’s been a few hours since my last orgasm and I’m already craving another, daydreaming about my boys and which one I’d like to have over, but it’s too late to coordinate an actual get together. I can’t expect you to be at my beck and call when I find the inverse irritating.

So I’m keeping track, finding correlation, and I’ll be letting people know when it comes up because it dictates in a big way what I’m willing to do for the day. Now, I’m always good, giving, and game. I’m always up to bring you pleasure, you don’t have to worry, but I’m not always able to come, I’m not always able to selfishly receive, and I’m never able to just fake it till you make it. If you see ‘shark week’ on my calendar, it’s because I’m in a fucking frenzy.


As a tangentially related note, receiving sexual touch authentically is probably one of the hardest parts about this industry. There are many ways to receive sexual touch authentically, and they don’t all look the same. For a few, it means only having sex when they’re in the mood. For some, it’s about only doing things that are if not pleasurable, at least comfortable. For others, it’s about doing whatever is necessary to provide a great experience for the client. For many, it changes from session to session and each person holds different things from their clients for themselves.

I do know there are a lot of lovely darlings out there who love to please and pleasure. You like cunnilingus and intimate massage and playing with my body to bring pleasure. There are some of my esteemed colleagues who offer a middle ground between one-way sensual touch and full service. I considered this for some time and ultimately decided not to. My beloved givers who I empathize with so deeply, yes, you may pamper me as much as you desire and I welcome your ministrations. Goddess worship, mutual masturbation, reciprocal oral, all these things are wonderful and welcome. I strongly feel that there is no less intimacy, trust, and energy required to receive your hands or tongue than to receive your cock. I do not value your touch any more or less because of which part you use and I hope you will not value my time any more or less in return.

Most of my clients want to see me enjoy myself. I appreciate that my pleasure is important, I’d much rather be with someone who cares that I’m at least comfortable. This is why this conversation is important: my desires aren’t always for sexual stimulation, just like you. I cannot promise to come every time. I cannot promise to want sexual pleasure every time. I cannot promise you any act every time (although there are a few I rarely skip). I can’t even promise you’ll get off (though I will do my darnedest) in exactly the way you want every time.

I can, however, promise to always be present with you, not distracted by my phone or my personal life. I will always be ready to help you reach your orgasm in whatever way I can. I will always let you know if something isn’t good or right so you can help me receive pleasure. I will always communicate about our needs and desires. I will always take care of myself so that I am ready to take care of you in turn. And I can promise that every once in a while, I will ask you to not worry about my pleasure and simply take yours, freely given, with joy and respect.

New site, new name, new services

Happy summer my beloveds!

Those of you who get my newsletter already know but there is a new me!

Since October I’ve been preparing to offer full service again. First psyching myself up, then testing the waters slowly, with a few regular friends. Now I’m voracious and am going public with my offerings. I find that the more I have, the more I want (up to a point) and the pleasure is out of this world.

I don’t have the fanciest setup. When I chose my new location back in October I wasn’t planning on this. The space isn’t huge but I’ve managed to make it work so far. When my lease is up I may consider a move but we shall see.

I have had to say goodbye to a few friends. Unfortunately, not all my beloveds care about my pleasure and will listen when I say what works. Others are incapable of changing old habits. To these loves I’d like to refer you to one or more of my many many delightful friends and colleagues.

Speaking of: the galleries on my images page are my favorite part of the new launch. As they’re taken, I’ll be adding pictures of myself and my duo partners together to a special gallery to spark your imagination. I do adore getting my hands on my girlfriends and if you give me an excuse? Oh my darling…

In addition to new session types, rates have gone up for FBSM as of next Sunday. I’ve stolen an idea from a few friends and chosen to offer discounts to more regular guests instead of grandfathering in old old rates so please make yourself aware of your benefit. You’ll notice that snuggles are no longer a session option. If you absolutely loved it and can’t stand missing out on cuddles, I can make special exceptions for old friends but be aware that it’s subject to my whims, haha.


As for why I’m adding these services back and changing my name, it simply feels right. When I chose to restrict myself to unidirectional touch, it was a chance for me to learn and grow in the safety of physical boundaries. Over the past few years, I’ve learned a great deal about myself, gained several valued mentors, and finally feel prepared to responsibly reenter the exciting world of escorting. I also feel that I’ve mastered my craft when it comes to sensual massage and, while I’ll never stop learning and inventing, my overactive mind needed novel stimulus. I do still want three or four FBSM sessions in a week to keep myself in practice and to add variety to my work so please don’t stop requesting it! You’ll just have more options now.

I’ve learned my body better and am capable of far more pleasure than I was several years ago. I’ve discovered a strong desire for novelty and excitement which you all provide to varying degrees. I’m excited to explore the city with you and I need more free time to add life skills and try to write more. My financial goals continue to rise as I plan for my future, and my wanderlust takes me from my work often enough that I want to make it more impactful and interesting.

But why the new name? Christina Slater was a fine name, it was ok, it wasn’t very interesting, but it worked for a new girl growing into maturity. This industry is a fun one in that we can reinvent ourselves to reflect changes. While the small town Montana girl is still alive and well, she has made room for a cosmopolitan socialite with a greater sense of globalism and an even greater thirst for knowledge. I lost weight, learned a new language, gutted my closet, traveled the world (a bit of it), and simply feel a desire to reflect all that new growth in a new name.

A petite amie is a girlfriend, a little French lady friend; it’s me exactly. Let Amie Petite by your new favorite petite amie.


Smart Hard Work

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I hadn’t realize the emotional impact of sex work for myself until recently. It took more than most, I like to think, but it finally caught up with me and now, finally, I understand on a gut level how exhausting this work must be for anyone with a shorter rope, fewer options, or lacking a solid support network in this industry.

I’ve read a fairly wide range of feminist, equality-oriented, sex work positive literature as well as the commentary and arguments against it. These issues pop up on social media regularly (my current favorite commentator is Ava St Claire from Florida) and in personal private conversations and with every comment, comic, and essay I learn a little more about other people’s experiences.

A few weeks ago, I spent the entire day, 9a-6p, working on my new website (look for a July 9 launch!) and took myself to dinner after. I thought I’d read a book and have a glass of wine to relax but I sat down and couldn’t do anything but grin hysterically and look around. It took me half a glass and almost an hour before the tension in my muscles eased and I could relax into reading.

I learned two things from this: first, that you guys are heroes. You who grind in front of a screen or manage other people or build a thriving business from scratch. You guys are doing what I did for one day, but you do it All. The. Time. Wow. No wonder an hour or two away from it all with a beautiful woman is so meaningful for you. I’m honored to be able to provide that safe, quiet, fun space for you to let your brain turn off for a bit and simply enjoy the physical sensation of being adored.

Second: I learned, finally, way behind the curve, that this work, though it sometimes feels frivolous, is meaningful without it needing to be deliberately therapeutic. Meaning the pressure I put on myself to listen with intent and touch with meaning is unnecessary; the nature of sensual and erotic bodywork is already therapeutic in and of itself. WOW! And I thought I was a fast learner, haha.

You all have been so patient and so wonderful with me through this learning curve. Over the last few weeks I have had absolutely the best experience. My clients have all been caring and passionate and appreciative as well as fun and sexy and thoughtful. I’ve been busy enough but not too busy. I’ve been playing hard and working hard and reinforcing relationships left and right! I feel well supported and absolutely pleased to pleasure you.

Hot damn life is good.

So what does this mean for you? You’ll see when the new website launches but it means primarily that you can count on me to be there for you during our time together, fully and completely and enthusiastically. Thank you.

PSA: Personal Information

It shouldn’t have to be said, but please, do not share personal information your provider has shared with you wth other clients or providers, even if it’s with one of her friends.

I’ve had at least two providers who were friends of mine outed to me and aspects of others’ personal lives revealed that I did not know. I have no idea how many times I’ve been outed to discreet, polite, professional providers who have the sense to end it there. I love all these fantastic providers but please be respectful and let us tell each other those things; don’t violate the privilege of intimacy or it will be revoked.

If your provider reveals her name to you, awesome. I’m very happy she’s reached that level of trust and mutual respect with you. Please DO NOT assume she has revealed it to anyone else, even other provider friends. The vast majority of my friends in the community have not told me their given names and I will not ask, that’s for them to decide.

Know her relationship status? Her home town? Her alma mater? Don’t assume I know those things. She may choose to tell me, but those are her personal details to reveal, not yours. Know mine? Again, please don’t let it slip, even to my friends. Not everyone knows everything and that’s important both for my own safety and for my friends’ plausible deniability.

I totally get it and I’ve been guilty of this in the past. I adore my friends and love to gush about them. I have opinions and I like to share them. But please, respect our privacy and NEVER EVER EVER assume that because we’re duo partners or share an incall, we know each other’s given names, relationship status, family situation, emotional state, hometown, neighborhood, other incall locations, business practices, safety strategies, day jobs, financial status, legal status, eating habits, health care needs, leisure activities, or anything else. If it’s not published on her website or social media, assume it’s private between the two of you and keep it that way.

Work Harder, Not Smarter

I recently spent some time away recovering from my wintertime bout of burnout. Amid the long drives to and from and a decent amount of reading, relaxing, and yahtzee playing, I discovered the rejuvenating, relaxing power of plain manual labor.

I didn’t realize how emotionally taxing this industry is. Yes, my friends and colleagues had been stressing the difficulty of emotional labor and I was on board in principle, but I thought myself uniquely suited to it, a bottomless reservoir of emotional energy and presence supporting myself and my clients. When it finally ran out I was absolutely baffled. The slogan I poked at a few weeks ago suddenly made the kind of sense that settles into your gut and finally feels true.

But more on that next week.

I want to first of all brag a little and second share something I’m probably behind the curve on realizing.

I know a few women who show a certain learned helplessness around so-called manly things. Tools and cars and plumbing intimidate them to the point of aversion; they wont even try to troubleshoot an issue before laying at their man’s feet. Between critical reasoning, youtube, and user manuals, I can’t imagine not tackling any problem from properly filling in my eyelashes to replacing broken plumbing.

So I did!! Over the course of several days I helped refurbish, replace, and upgrade four or five half-day projects at the family property out in Eastern Washington. Nothing major, but I learned to install pex tubing, weeded rich, dark flowerbeds, roamed purposefully through the aisles of the local Home Depot, cleaned out a decade’s accumulated debris, and sat back after hours of hard, relatively mindless work feeling like I had just kicked some serious ass.

Why am I even talking about this? First because it’s cool and reinforces my own view of myself as a multifaceted, capable individual. Because for once the physical work wasn’t for anyone but myself, done for no other reason than to get it one. Because this is the first time I’ve felt such a strong contrast between emotional labor and manual labor. Because when working on a project like replacing an appliance, there is a clear end and benefit and you can show it off to others. Because there’s a sense of closure that is immensely satisfying. Because you can clear your mind and listen to the radio while you’re working which you absolutely cannot do in sex work. At least I can’t.

It was a huge relief to zone out and pull plants instead of focusing my attention on a client who needs my presence for all of our time together. I do love my work, but I’ve learned I need to make physical work a deliberate part of my emotional self care moving forward. I’ve signed up for sailing classes, will be researching chair building techniques and locations, and will be taking more half days to get out and complete small projects.

As I said above, I’m amazed and a bit ashamed it’s taken me so long to not only learn the value of a simple job done well but to recognize the effort and energy involved in sex work and value that as well. I’m headed out again this Sunday to get more stuff done! I hope to catch you before I go but if not, Rose can set up a get together after I get back Wednesday.

Girl Behaving Badly

Ideas sometimes take a scratch before they precipitate and so it was with this one: What would a sex worker’s Union look like?

I got a glimpse of it earlier this week.

I was made aware that there were formal complaints from providers about me. Namely, my tendency to wag my jaw and take my clients past our session deadline. I’ve gotten much better over the last few years but better than awful still isn’t good. When I first started, in my naïve enthusiasm, my clients routinely received two to three hours for the price of one. After I switched to massage and got a place I took that down but still struggled to stick to the clock. Eventually I took the easy way out and just gave up trying to stay on time. I imagined I wasn’t doing anything wrong if I just sat around talking, it was my problem and no one else’s.

Unfortunately, it’s become other people’s problem and instead of risking confrontation, the grieved parties wisely designated someone I’m reasonably close to as their representative. She took me to task, and not gently, either. She outlined exactly what the problem was, how it was effecting people, and what would be done if it didn’t change.

It took me a full day to cool off and several more to work through my feelings. My idea of myself as a supportive community member and consummate professional was shattered; I felt angry, ashamed, sad, defensive, all peppered with a certain amount of self recrimination. I felt like a child who had just been disciplined by her mother for something I should have had figured out years ago and I determined to change immediately. Over the last few days I’ve written, thought, and talked about it almost nonstop and I am now excited moving forward.

So this is what a sex worker’s Union looks like: Several folks getting together and formally complaining to the ‘union rep’ and that rep acting as skilled and passionate intermediary to protect the community from physical, emotional, and financial harm. Not too bad, huh?

I fell into burnout recently, as many of you already know, and took time off. Reflecting on my recent disciplinary action and the reasons I had given myself for my burnout several things suddenly clicked. I’d been far busier than I thought! Fifteen minutes doesn’t feel like a big deal at the time but a weeks worth of ‘just 15 minutes’ is a LOT of time. Talking with a meditation teacher helped me realize just how valuable 15 minutes can be. How valuable one minute can be. By failing to protect my time, I also failed to protect my joy and enthusiasm for my work and for myself. And so I burned out.

I’d like to make a formal apology to the conscientious clients who foresaw this and have protected my time for me; that burden will be much easier moving forward. I’d like to apologize to my colleagues who have experienced bad behavior inspired by my own. I’d like to apologize to my friends who have been advising me of my errors for several years now and have been brushed off. And I’d like to apologize to those who have gotten used to free overtime for setting a precedent that caused discomfort and bad feelings with other providers. Moving forward I pledge to hold our time together sacred; to protect you, myself, and my community as best I can.

To my beloveds who’ve gotten used to long, luxurious get togethers: Good news! We can still have them! But we’ll have to arrange them that way beforehand and stick to the plan. Social time doesn’t have to be limited to only one half hour and doesn’t have to happen inside. A nice long snuggle session is a lovely compromise.

Thank you to my friends who support me, my clients who patronize me, and my Union Rep who Certainly has my respect.

Sex work is work

I love the slogan ‘Sex work is work’ because it helps reform the conversation from the morality of sexual activity to the labor issues of exploitation and abuse. I think it’s beautiful that it acknowledges the effort that goes into erotic and emotional labor. In this post, however, I’m going to point out the slogan’s biggest weakness.

I don’t really agree that sex work is just like any other service industry. There are enough parallels that, practically speaking, labor rules governing other intimate service industries (massage, mental health, etc) work well here and so on a policy level I think we should frame our arguments from there. Emotionally speaking, it is different.

Pretty much anyone can, with minimal training and little emotional fallout, stock shelves, operate a Zamboni, clean a house, or serve food. Most people in general find service Industries tolerable or at least not morally repugnant. Even if they can’t see themselves behind a check stand, they have no strong moral opposition to someone else doing it. Unfortunately, sex has such strong moral stigma that sex work carries double that.

But not with everyone. Sex workers have a wide range of feelings toward their ‘work sex’ from seeing themselves as a conduit for God’s love to seeing their clients as worth nothing more than the cash they leave behind.
One colleague, talking about seeing a male provider for personal pleasure, put it like this: “With work sex, it’s 90% me, 10% them sweating and grunting. With civvie sex, it’s still 70% me, 30% them expecting me to be grateful for their attention. With a male provider, I get to do exactly what I want and put out exactly as much effort as I want. I don’t have to worry about them ripping off the condom or whether they come or not, it’s all me.”

Another colleague will cancel appointments if she’s not in the mood so she rarely sees full service clients unless she’s genuinely interested in sex. Yet even her ease to orgasm and sexual interest doesn’t satisfy her the way sex with non-clients does. There’s a selfless and perform active aspect to it that makes it distinctly different.

Yet another provider I know is a lesbian and only has sex with men for cash, never for fun. We fall everywhere in between on our feelings toward ‘work sex’ but we all know there’s a difference and we all share one critical attitude: we all consent to sex we wouldn’t normally have in exchange for a financial incentive.

For me, when I was escorting, it didn’t feel different than my ‘regular’ sex because I was banging people who sucked at it. This was before I learned about my body and what it was capable of. If I were to take up FS work again, I’m not sure I’d be able to just show up for whomever and settle for ‘work sex’. Three years ago, I was happily done when he was done. Now, he’s not done until I’m done, and that’s not how sex work works.

So even within my own self, I have complicated feelings around sex. My colleagues all have their own feelings around sex. Our friends, families, and strangers on the internet have their own feelings about sex and until we can acknowledge that feelings are the root of most policy disagreements, we can at least be more thoughtful in our discussions of it.

This is why I have to question the simplicity of the slogan “sex work is work”. I don’t question the truth of it; anyone who has been an erotic services provider whether it’s a porn performer, escort, cam girl, whatever knows that work sex is work, even when it’s awesome. The exclusion of emotional issues around sex gives the slogan a weak point. No one wants to think of the sex they’re having with their partners as work; they don’t want to complicate an already complicated issue and that’s smart.

So how can we strengthen the slogan? Focus on the strength of it: that labor issues are universal; exploitation and abuse is not limited to sex work and this industry can be regulated like many other intimate service industries. So maybe “Sexual service is a service” or “Erotic laborers need labor rights”? Something that acknowledges the difference between the sex you have at home and erotic labor however it’s rendered and focuses on the need for non-criminal regulations to prevent or mitigate abuses instead of painting the entire industry as some combination of morally wrong and inherently exploitative.

Because until you’ve been a provider and had work sex, you can’t know the difference and that’s ok. You just need to listen to those of us who have when we ask for what we need.

Setting rates is HARD

When I first started full service escorting, I charged 300USD for one hour and 200USD for each additional hour. I chose these numbers after looking at dozens of other websites to see what the going rate was and after reading a bunch of Maggie’s advice columns. I required a half hour of social time, for free, in public in order to reassure myself and sometimes these half hours turned into several. It was a hobby, I felt like I was making huge wads of cash (when normally I only made 10.25 an hour), and my clients seemed satisfied.

When I switched to massage and had no training, I felt self-conscious about my perceived lack of experience and charged 160USD for my first few hour long appointments. This was when Adelle was allowing me use of her incall and helped me gain experience. She was the one who strongly encouraged me to raise my rates and eventually find my own place.

When I moved into my first solo incall it was inexpensive, small, a little dank, and at 180USD I slowly grew my client base and savings account. After a pair of singularly unpleasant client interactions I reinstated my social time requirement. Instead of offering this time pro bono as I had before, I charged a nominal (for this industry) 50USD for it.

That was the first time I felt actually uncomfortable about my rates. I felt guilty that I charged for something I required. To me, 50 bucks was a lot and I didn’t like to feel as though I were taking advantage of my clients’ desire to meet me. I didn’t want them to feel as though I was bilking them prior to a get together and I certainly didn’t want them to feel like they couldn’t come see me because of this one-time deal. But my friends encouraged me so I did it.

After making a few exceptions to my rule and regretting it, my guilt disappeared. I realized that, for me, the social, emotional, and mental connection we establish in those few minutes is not only important for me but creates a much more intimate and fulfilling experience for my client. I have had a few prospective clients refuse to pay for my social time which tells me that my requirement is screening out folks incompatible with my needs.

For my birthday the year after I graduated from Massage school, I bumped my rates pretty significantly. I decided to do it because it was my birthday, I had completed an educational and professional milestone, and looking around at my colleagues, I felt comfortable settling into a higher tier. Having done duos and received bodywork from several other providers, I felt as their equal and chose to change my rates accordingly.

I settled for a year or two there, with my one bedroom apartment well placed and well priced, my squishy comfort zone wrapped around me, happily complacent with a steady clientele and major goals just over the horizon.

Last October a lot changed. I returned from Europe, moved into a smaller yet more expensive space, stayed crazy busy and since then I’ve lost weight, revamped my wardrobe, and my emotional relationship with my offerings has changed. More recently, I had a new photo shoot done, I’m building a new, safer, more sleek website, I’m expanding the ways and places in which we can meet, and beginning to see the outlines of my next goals solidify in the hazy future.

And so we come to my current wrestling match: my thoughts and feelings about my finances. Generally good, don’t get me wrong, but complicated.

You see, I care a great deal about my clients. I recognize that this is, for many, both a luxury and a need. I know some ladies who have charged the same for years and others who charge as much as they think they can get away with and both have an emotionally stable relationship with those rates. I have clients from all over the socio-economic range. For those of you who couldn’t care less what you spend on me, awesome, thank you for tipping. For those of you who save, agonize, budget, or simply consider rates before meeting me, please know that it is not easy for me to set my rates, particularly as they creep higher. It is the reason I added snuggle sessions to my repertoire: to give you a break without taking a hit to my emotional stability and energy levels.

Because emotional stability and energy levels are the base on which my rates sit. In order to be fully present with you and in order to focus on you for hour(s) at a time I have to have enough off time and down time, not just for boring stuff like cleaning and writing, but for emotionally restorative things like receiving bodywork of my own and sharing time and society with supportive friends. As my sense of self grows, so does my sense of what I could ask for.

Providers set rates all over the map for all sort of reasons and I’ve had tons of conversations with my colleagues about why their rates are where they are and how they feel about them. We have to handle a ton of weird stuff and, more than physically, we need to maintain our emotional presence. This post, as written, was about three times as long as the edited version ended up because my colleagues are all over the map in every way and I kept trying to categorize us. Smart, simple; young, old; hot, not; big, small; magnetic, cold; expensive, bargain; every color, every economic background, every idea, every personality, every religion, every sexuality, everything. All magnificent, all desirable, not a single one of them agree on what to charge and why. If I tried to parse out all the reasons they set their rates where they did I’d be writing all day! In the end, it’s all about how we feel.

I’ve tried in this post to give you an insight into how deeply I’m invested in my rates as one aspect of my personal, successful sole proprietorship. In attempting to write it I’ve realized I can’t. The question comes up on provider/client boards all the freaking time and I always want to say something but the things I have to say about it take way too much space. I thought I could address it here but I’ve discovered that I can’t.

So I’ll leave you with this: We are complicated humans with big complex feelings. If you’re not ready or willing to pay what I ask, that’s ok. I’m not mad, I understand many, if not your, reasons why. I get it. I’m definitely on the higher end for bodywork and I’m not done climbing. I feel like I’m worth it for dozens of reasons but this is SUCH a personal industry that while I may be worth it for many, I may not be worth it for you. For you who do come see me, please know that I don’t take it lightly and I very much appreciate my beloveds who have shown me not only respect in honoring all my requests but appreciation for my work.

After all these words only two matter: Thank you.

Everyday Activism

At the panel a few weeks ago the same question came up in several different forms. One person asked

“What would you say to my intelligent, feminist, female friend when she says all prostitution should be outlawed due to the harms of trafficking and underage workers?”

Another asked

“How do I respond when someone posts and anti-sex work text or link on Facebook without dragging myself into a huge discussion?”

And at the private provider’s social one person asked

“What can I do if I can’t come out as a sex worker to destroy the stereotypes?”

The base of the questions is “What can I do every single day (sometimes as a well-intentioned, middle class person) that doesn’t jeopardize my social, financial, and physical safety?”

Here is what I do.

I am out to my closest friends and some semi-close friends who I knew wouldn’t react too poorly. I am not out at all to my family. To everyone in between, I am out as a sex workers rights activist. I support the Sex Worker’s rights movement, I work as a sex positive massage therapist to sex workers, and I do my small daily part to educate people when it comes up. I do that by admitting that I’m an ally and through my ally-ship I have met actual, real, honest-to-God sex workers and found them to be at the least normal, more often interesting and powerful women. I can talk about SASS and what I learned, the literature out there, the effects of decriminalization in other places, and I’m doing it not from a place of ‘you’re wrong, stranger’ but from a place of ‘dude check this out! I had no idea but sex workers actually care about themselves!’ I find that, as long as it’s not someone with strong moral beliefs, a different perspective from a trusted source (you, their friend) can begin to change the conversation.

So what can you do when someone posts a link on Facebook? First: recognize that they are not your audience. They’ve already made up their mind and while it’s possible you can change it, it’s unlikely. Your audience is not the poster, it is their friends and yours. Engage with the poster, knowing they are providing you a platform on which you can show others alternatives to the narrative. If you’re really serious about it, keep a note on your phone with links to interesting news articles like Liz Nolan Brown’s long form TRB essay or Maggie’s number crunching post. That way you can just copy/paste with a comment.

What can you do in real life? Next time someone makes a ‘hooker joke’ don’t laugh. Next time someone says something you know to be untrue, ask them why they said that (don’t correct them, facts don’t change hearts). If you’re brave, bring up the article you just saw about how young women are turning to camming and ‘sugaring’ to pay for college and how you had no idea it was so normal/widespread. Talk about the panel you just went to and how you met some interesting sex workers fighting for their rights. Send them one of my blog posts with the naughty stories and maybe they’ll stumble on something else interesting (you can play dumb and say you found it linked somewhere and didn’t read the rest of the blog).

The opportunities don’t come up often for me but when they do for you, don’t be ashamed to be an ally. Don’t be afraid to tell people you know real sex workers in real life and they’re actually surprisingly cool. And don’t fight so hard you lose the love and trust of your true friends. First it won’t work and second you’ll lose something important. I want decriminalization (Toni mac’s TED talk is a great link to explain that) but not as much as I want everyone to move forward, together.