Amie and Adelle All Night Long

Your best friend is a great guy, but it’s clear that he is unable to satisfy his wife the way she needs it, it’s only a matter of time before she realizes it and comes to you. But waiting is hard, when every time she sees you, at every barbecue and game night and casual dinner out with friends, she teases you. She has made it clear; she’s a tease and doesn’t expect to get called on it.

“Hey, your furnace went out last year didn’t it? What did you do to fix it?” “Well I started by troubleshooting the -“ “you know what, why don’t you just drop by this afternoon? Marie and I will be getting ready and you can take a look at it. There are cookies in it for you.” And she winked. You could hear it over the phone.

When you took her that afternoon, she put up resistance at first. No, we can’t do this, Marie will see. No, we can’t… you can’t. But her flimsy protestations, her token resistance, melted under the heat of months of suppressed passion. Hours of teasing comments and flirtatious gestures…

“Can he satisfy you like this!? Admit it, he can’t fuck you like this, can he!” “No!” She sobs, “he can’t!” “You’ve been a little tease for a little too long. Did you really think I didn’t see it?” “I never thought you’d do anything about it. I just thought… oh god.”

Just as her cries turned into throaty growls, you see Marie in the doorway, astonished and silent. “You like what you see, don’t you?” She nodded. “Get naked. You’re next.” Obedient, she peeled off her satin thong just as you feel an orgasming pussy wrap around your cock, pulsing and wet.

“Good girl. You won’t tease me anymore, will you? Or tell anyone? Or stop watching while I fuck your best friend? I didn’t think so.”


Never, ever fuck anyone when they’re saying no, unless, of course, you’ve hired two highly sexual, creative, playful ladies to help your fantasy of fucking your best friends’ wives into submission become real.

Adelle and I had the incredible privilege of bringing a fantasy to life the other night and in the process, of allowing nuance into someone’s sexuality. To allow someone who would never actually enjoy fucking someone against their will, because they’re a human being with empathy and a sense of decency, to experience a close approximation. To experience power and control in a safe, sane, and consensual way, without damaging relationships or people.

Watching Adelle encourage our gentleman friend to elaborate on what can be an embarrassing or scary fantasy and then helping her make it real for him was an intoxicating mix of discovery, curiosity, and a hell of a lot of sexy.

Our evening began with cocktails that we brought up to the generous hotel room he acquired for us. Slightly buzzed, we entertained our fantasies, then went back down to fill our tummies with delicious food and drink. When we made it back up to the room, we investigated the volume of the bathtub (adequate) and soaked until midnight in soapy suds, champagne, and conversation.

5:30 am and I feel an urgency, a hard cock, waking me up. Now, if it were just he and I, I’d have asked for a few more hours first but I can fall asleep again easily and since I had someone to tag team with later in the morning, I got to say ‘why not?’ Instead of ‘why now?’ In the middle of our early morning adventure, I could see her watching us, sleepy eyed and smiling, enjoying the sounds of sex and also that it was someone else making them at that hour.

Sure enough, a few hours later, me still half asleep, they took each other next to me, moaning and gasping while I enjoyed the tableau. I couldn’t help myself; I couldn’t stay asleep with a beautiful, hard cock right there! As many of my readers know quite well, I love to orally pleasure any and all cocks that make themselves available (and belong to great folks) so I begged and bullied my way into their half of the bed.

The details escape me but we all wound up both happy and hungry. Room service fixed the hunger and a trio of mimosas took us to the hotel’s hot tub to while away our last half hour.

Packing up gave us a short, sexy stroll down memory lane: condom wrappers and Christmas lights, candles and chocolate sauce, a few half bottles and a hefty tip for housekeeping.

If my face looked anything like theirs, I had a giant grin plastered all over it and a rosy flush underneath. Pleasure, passion, joy, naughty stories, and a few orgasms made their way through all of us through the night and I have it in good authority that everyone had an amazing time.

You, too, could enjoy this experience, with a bit of planning and a flat fee based on the when and how long.

One Reply to “Amie and Adelle All Night Long”

  1. I love reading your blog and wish you posted more often. I don’t know you at all but either you are being genuine or are very good at faking it. I hope the former.

    Thank you.

    PS. Yes, I’m already on your mailing list and hope to have the opportunity to meet you sometime. I also follow you on Twitter using the name below.

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