Review: Duo with Claire Wild

LOCATION: Our place on First hill
DATE: Several times; this is an amalgam
NAME: Claire Wild
INCALL/OUTCALL: Our Incall, but she offers outcall
AGENCY OR INDY: I can’t imagine her needing anyone else
ACCURATE PICTURE: Absolutely, and recent
AGE: Just turned 40 and is just hitting her sexual stride
PERSONALITY: I had someone describe her as glowing. I can’t argue with the truth!
RACE: Caucasian but olive complexion and very clear skin
BODY TYPE: Petite, slender
WEIGHT: I’m terrible at this part, but if I’m 135, she must be 115 or 120?
HEIGHT: A bit taller than me but not towering or anything
BUST: I’ve heard the term ‘a perfect handful’ before but until Claire I didn’t have a clear picture of what that looks like. I do now. Beautiful nipples that can take a lot more pressure than mine, that’s for sure.
WAIST: Slender and fit, gently curved both up and down.
HIPS: slightly flared from her slender waist, when I catch her backside in the mirror it makes me really wish I had a cock.
HAIR: Dark, almost black, cleopatra style but with waves
EYES: Slate blue eyes under those black bangs is striking and gorgeous
FEET: Clean and petite, painted
SKIN TONE: she looks tan but I think that’s just her natural tone. For me it’s perfect.
TRIMMING: She just discovered the Brazilian wax and is enjoying the novelty of hardwood
SCARS: None that I noticed
PIERCINGS: Both ears and a tiny stud accentuating her smile-crinkled nose
MOLES: A pleasant smattering of beauty marks, nothing distracting
BIRTHMARKS: Nothing distracting
CLOTHES: She loves to dress up and keeps buying all these cute lingerie sets. We got to take a trip to that shop by the 5th Ave theater and she and I both walked away pleased, to say the least.
GLASSES: None During session but she does have them if you like that.
MOANER OR A SCREAMER: Definitely on the quieter side but neither he nor I had any doubts of her pleasure and engagement. We also talked about lots of naughty things the whole time.
ENERGY LEVEL DURING THE SESSION: Playful, coming and going, we definitely didn’t let him rest much, haha!
MULTI SHOTS DURING THE HOUR: Out of the two hours we three had set aside for ourselves, I doubt he was out of our hands for less than 20 minutes. One veeeeeery long, prolonged, slow burn complete with all sorts of arousing touches. I’m so proud of her skill!
ACCEPTS FRENCH: Not for us in duo but get to know her well and she may let you into her inner circle.
SMOKES: Nope, never and nothing
DRINKS: She does not, but she does love her bubbly water.
KISSES: Sweet, smiling, sensitive, sensual
FRENCH: FBSM but again, get to know her and see where it goes
GREEK: Pretty sure neither of us enjoy that regardless of session but we’re happy to give!
RUSSIAN: She’s getting much better with her hands, though those from nipples slipping across… Ahem, anyway
DO’s or DON’T’s: DO go see her, don’t expect your first time to reach the level of trust and safety she and I and our long time regulars have developed.
SCREENING PROCESS: References are simplest but she does offer screening similar to mine.
PHONE: She will provide at her discretion
RATES: 180/hour, 240/90 minutes, 300/2 hours, social time 50/hhr
RECOMMEND: Wholeheartedly! She’s learned so much so fast I’m amazed.

This will be a bit of an amalgam of the sorts of things we get up to. At first, our duos were me teaching her and getting her comfortable playing with strangers and new friends. Her authenticity and enthusiasm and of course new-ness was charming and fun for all of us to play with. She is just as into girls as she is into guys so duos with her are fun for the whole family 😉

A few weeks ago we got to do a little role playing. She and one of her beloveds invited me to play teacher. I dressed up in my corset and heels and, over a glass of red wine, watched her work and offered tips and techniques to add to her repertoire. Watching her slinky, tight body bow and lean and curve and wriggle all over him was a pleasure for myself and he sounded very much like he was enjoying himself. Taking my instructions drew out a little of the submissive in her, but more on that later. When it came time for her to focus on his cock I stepped in with a little hands on instruction, demonstrating my accumulated expertise on cock worship and pleasure. Oh we had fun and our poor gentleman friend was finally reduced to a quivering wash of endorphins and astonishment. I was impressed by her constant engagement, enthusiasm, and the little peek into her submissive side.

Then, just last week, we had a birthday boy! When a lady trusts a gentleman, she is able to walk the very edge of her boundaries without fear. All three of us walked the line that day. She and I daydreamed about a pair of strap ons that we could use on each other, he and I earned her permission to spank her, gently but firmly, until we could see little pink hand marks, she and I played with his body from head to toe, the whole while keeping up a giggling, gasping, triologue. It reminded me of my very first three way: my attention focused on them and their pleasure, using my hands and voice as tools to bring them to that sweet, sweet climax. He was conscientious, keeping hands where they were welcome and never pushing. What a rush! What pleasure! What joy and genuine affection and trust we were able to create!

Claire is a darling. She is somewhat new to this work but is learning far faster than I did. She is submissive by nature but has the wisdom and will needed to hold boundaries and keep herself safe. Duos are particularly good for exploring submissive fantasies with other ladies because we have the assurance of a fellow professional in case things get out of hand. I strongly suggest adding Claire to a session with your favorite lady or seeing her on her own. She is the kind of person who deserves and values long lasting connections and I feel so fortunate to have met her (and seen her naked!! Haha!!)