New space, coming soon

I’ve been frightfully out of contact for some time and I apologize. I’ve been waiting until my new location is settled. As of last week I signed a lease on a little studio on First Hill. It is painfully rudimentary, but operational and I hope to entertain as early as this Tuesday. I won’t have much by way of furniture but the necessities are there.

I’ve been having both a painful and joyful time of it. The building is a bit on the older side and there are quirks but the location is great, the size is fine, and the price is right. I’ve been going over design ideas and I’m excited for artwork, artistic mirrored tiles on the walls, fresh romantic paint, and a delicious vintage style couch. For the first half hour I sat on the floor and looked at the walls, imagined the warmth and intimacy they would bring to my guests and myself, and I felt a posession, an ownership. I think for a while it will be a work in progress. Much as many of you have been able to watch my progress in the hobby, you will be able to watch as this little slice of heaven evolves into a romantic love nest, warm, comforting, sensual, and intimate.

In the meantime, please forgive my reticence. I’m not ignoring anyone, I’m simply busy between working my ‘day’ job and putting all this together. I have a list of emails to send to those I have already seen or screened. Once I feel I have given my returning callers a chance to reserve time with me I’ll solicit appointments from new friends and once I’ve responded to my patient callers I’ll make a general announcement that I’m ready to open my space to new solicitors. Thank you for your patience and eagerness. The pressure to be operational is a good motivator. I hate to keep you boys waiting.