Naked Ladies!!! On bicycles!

The Fremont Summer Solstice Parade is on June 21 this year and I hear there’s a fun tradition preceding it. I’m making plans to ride my bicycle in the parade as per tradition since that first streaker so many years ago. I’ve always wanted to dress as Lady Godiva for Halloween but October is a bit chilly to be running around in one’s skivvies. Plus, you know, children and such.

Anyway, I haven’t purchased the costume elements yet but I’ve got a few weeks to acquire one of those little toy horsehead-on-a-stick things to affix to my bicycle and a long wig to wear with it. I’ve got a mask to help maintain my anonymity but those of you who have seen me in this arena will likely recognize me more by some other assets than my face.

Who will be my peeping tom? ;-P anyone who might like to make arrangements to ride as well, be a painter, or meet after I’m open to suggestions.

I have an update: I might be out of town that weekend. Check my calendar the night before to make sure one way or the other. Thanks 🙂