Summer Plans

As happens most summers, people travel and enjoy the sunshine. I will be doing the same. I’ll be adding shorter aways here and there as the summer progresses but here are this planned so far:

I am currently out of town as of the publishing of this post. I’m taking my first long trip to Eastern Washington to unplug for Four entire days. I left yesterday (Wed the 17th) and I’ll be back Sunday evening, ready to get together with fun new folks Monday.

The next big trip is for the solstice. I want to soak up the sunshine over the longest few days of the summer so I’m leaving town either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning the 16th or 17th of June and not coming back until Thursday the 22nd so I’ll be back just in time for Pride Weekend.

The next long trip is Friday August 11 to Tuesday August 22 (a whole week and two weekends! Yay!) and I might steal a few of my lady friends for this trip so check ahead with Verona, Claire, and Adelle at least.

An finally September, my big long road trip down the Pacific Coast Highway (or at least parts of it). I’ll be leaving around the 9th to the 11th and coming back Maybe the 26th or the 27th.

I may do some one or three day jaunts to Vancouver BC, Portland, or Eastern Washington in between those big trips but they’ll be a bit easier to schedule around and I can be more flexible.

All these trips are more or less reflected on my calendar but I wanted to make the big ones stand out for planning purposes. While they are for personal pleasure, I may be tempted into taking an appointment here or there depending on the gentleman. My trips in June and August take me near Spokane and that general vicinity and my trip in September takes me down to LA and San Francisco, just so you know.

I hope you all are enjoying the lovely weather and that I get to meet up in between our busy outdoor adventures!