
As many of you know, I’m going away for September. I’ve never been overseas before and I’m so pleased that my lifestyle affords me this exciting opportunity. Iceland, Scotland, England, and France are all exciting destinations with man things to see and do but what I’m looking forward to the most is cutting myself off from technology. I want to sit under the crisp fall sun with a tiny cup of espresso, a baguette, and some fresh butter and just watch the people walk by. I want to spend an entire afternoon lying on the heather, smelling fresh air and watching the clouds scudding across the sky. I want to sit in a quaint English pub and listen to the people chatting in their amazing accents. I want to submerge myself in the natural hot springs and wash away the tight muscles and frown lines. While I’m excited to sight-see, I’m most excited to simply be still.

It was as I contemplated my vacation schedule, deciding generally where to be and when and looking forward to leaving technology behind, I had a nagging feeling of familiarity. It took a bit to figure out what was ringing a bell about this prospective vacation until I was talking about it in session. I suddenly realized that I get the chance to disconnect daily: When you’re here. In session, I give my physical and emotional strength and focus to you and you alone. My emails, texts, calls, and Twitter feed can wait and for our short slice of the day I am on vacation! I’m focused on the now and the here with only you as my distraction and it really does feel like a mini stay-cation.

So I suppose I should thank you, once again, for your kind patronage, your support that allows me full freedom and a few hours each day to disconnect with the word to reconnect with you.