Phillipians 4:8

Lately my published words have been few and far between. The kind missives of good old friends have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. My words have not evaporate or even, in fact, lessened, but the time in which I have to mull them, roll them across my tongue, write and rewrite them has been sparse and preempted by assignments and money making schemes galore.

However, on occasion there is such overwhelming feeling and thought that no barrier of time or priority may interfere and so it is that tonight I write of a night.

The air is so still the clouds high high above have barely moved. Though I cannot see the city her blush spreads across the sky, ready for a devious night of passion and adventure. And a weeknight no less! haha!

Sweet strains drift from the record player to my ear, outside on the balcony, able for the first time this year to enjoy the outdoors after dark in only a sweatshirt and pink fuzzy slippers (and pants! naughty boy!) The intermittent sounds of grilling cheese sandwiches are an alternative music to my tipsy and dehydrated ears. My after hours mojito sits next to the mint plant it came from and a modest myriad of companion spices, foods, and flowers. Some dipshit rides his (or hers. women can be assholes, too) petulantly brazen motorcycle through my quiet streets, momentarily shattering the beautiful calm that is this evening.

Life is good, my loves, even great. For me particularly because I know and care for you, because my life is safe and full, because the night is calm (aside from ghost rider over there) and full of the scent of mint and rosemary and freshly melted cheese and fried butter. Please, wherever you are and whatever you do, whether we meet once, again, or never, see in your life something worth seeing. It’s there, I can promise you. Look and find a moment, a smell, a memory, a future plan, a present joy, anything you find pleasant and lovely, and dwell on it for a moment

Good night and all my best, always.