It’s been a While…

It’s been too long and I apologize. I’ve been distracted by many little things and a few big ones. The pressure to post was too great. I drafted a post some time ago but it because such a monstrosity that I couldn’t bring myself to return. A few people have asked to see if I’m ok which prompts me to return to my blog and share a little about what’s been going on lately.

In the last month I have established a cuddle closet. I’m not 100% on what I’m going to do with it yet, but I like it. I’m hoping to get some photos up soon but I have yet to establish a good time with my photographer so that’s up in the air.

I have also watched five seasons of the crime drama ‘Bones’ which is adorable but doesn’t inspire the kinds of thoughts that make good blog posts. I do recommend the show, but don’t try watching and eating at the same time. Melting ice cream and melting flesh have similar visual textures and for some reason my desire for ice cream has dampened of late. I have also invested far too much time into a cute game called Plants Versus Zombies which I do not recommend because you will never escape the urge to play. Because of those two diversions I have only finished two books over the last month, one of which is a sequel to The Last Policeman. I will review it but it will be short and mostly an addendum to the first.

I leased a car so I have faster transportation. It was almost necessary because my incall has a laundry room in the basement but not in-unit. I prefer to take my laundry home rather than pack quarters around and hang out in the basement of the old building I practice in. Having a car makes that far easier.

We went out of town for a week to visit family and get away from cell phones and such. Of course my partner spent most of the week elbows deep in plumbing, replacing a great deal of old copper piping, and the whole time we didn’t have hot water, but it was good to get away. The last night we spent in a hotel in Spokane (hot showers, Oh My God) and went out celebrating the end of vacation (I may have celebrated a bit too much). I met the most interesting young woman at a tiny bar in downtown Spokane. She makes her money by traveling between growing cannabis in Hawaii and selling it in Spokane. She and I got along quite well and both of us lamented that in almost every instance, the women we wish to invite into bed with us and our partners already have partners of their own! I’m pleased for them, but it leaves me wishing that perhaps there were more single women in the world that aren’t me ;-P In any case, it was an eventful week.

I’m currently training a new night auditor to take my place. The end is near but not yet in sight. Once she steps in, I’ll have Sundays and Mondays available at my incall. Currently I spend those days sleeping so I’m not a zombie at work which would make me a less than ideal companion for my gentlemen callers. Once I no longer require day-sleep I can offer my time alert and engaged at times that are hopefully more convenient.

The marvelous Adelle and I have been getting together to share experience. She is a great teacher and quite the professional. I do hope to do another duo or two with her over the next little while. Haha, honestly part of me just wants to sit back and watch; she is a magnificent sight with her toes pointed and her back arched as she dances across her patron’s body. She is far more acrobatic than I and her wit and opinions are quite delightfully pointed. I’m hoping to organize a nice little spa day with her and I and a good friend of mine as well. Sometimes we need to take our turn getting pampered after spending all our time pampering you gents 😉

So that’s the big update. Again, I apologize for the lapse in updates and posts. Now that I’m back in the swing of things I hope to get back to regular posting.


