You’re in Seattle, maybe on a visit, maybe you live here. You’re looking for some vivacious female company and you’ve heard somewhere that something called an ‘escort’ might fit the bill. A pretty younger woman who can entertain you for an hour, or all night. You want someone who looks good to you, but you feel comfortable with, too.
But where on earth does one find a Seattle Escort?
Trusty old google to the rescue.
Fortunately for you, the pertinent question isn’t “How to find a Seattle Escort” but “How to decide which one to see!” The escort scene in Seattle, as in many major cities, is bustling. There is new money and old, a variety of folks seeing a variety of things, and a thriving sex positive culture in which to do them. Seattle, being such a sexually progressive city, has escorts listed on almost every national and international advertising platform. Each platform can have up to 250 escorts advertising at once. So how do you choose!?!
Well let’s get started.
First: don’t think you’re going to find someone tonight. While many Seattle Escorts do offer same-day service, most do not, and new clients should expect there to be some level of screening, even if it’s not explicitly stated, which will take time. In fact, an escort in Seattle who does not ask for some form of screening is more likely to be a bait and switch, an upseller, or vice squad than she is to be that super sexy, low priced vixen her ad claims she is.
More on screening later. Right now, you’re the one screening out escorts who don’t fit your preferences, or who are difficult to get a feel for.
You’ll start with an advertising platform. The first two pages of googling “Seattle Escort” will almost always return ad spaces that offer listing after listing. I personally prefer,, (with many caveats), and a smattering of other places. For a more complete list, visit my ad spaces blog post HERE.
You’ve made it to an escort advertising website. You’re scrolling through pictures. You might be overwhelmed at this point. I was when I tried to find someone for a client to see in Portland, and I know what I’m doing! With me being both an escort myself and mostly straight, I only found a few that reeeeally made me want to see them and sure enough, they proved fabulous. This is how you, too, can narrow it down to only the best.

First there are the pictures. I prefer some artistic license and a little personality in my photos. If you’ve seen my images, they are mostly soft and cuddly, a little playful, sometimes demure. I like clients who like that, clients who want gentleness and sensuality with a hefty dose of fun. It’s very me and it attracts people who will like me. I understand there are some clients who prefer to see at least some selfies. I am told that this adds to the escort’s legitimacy. Personally, I find flattering selfies impossible to take. I lean on my social media, my blog, and what reviews can be found to add weight to my legitimacy. But a picture is worth a thousand words and you should always, always find a variety of images of any escort you want to see in Seattle.
A word on faces. Faces are the most subjective canvas. A face can sway you one way or the other when considering which Seattle Escort you choose. Unfortunately, the legal and social climate of today does not favor escorts or our clients. For that reason, many of us choose to hide our faces in our public images. This is to avoid detection by law enforcement or our personal and professional circles, to avoid being recognized by fans who are not screened clients, and most importantly to you, to avoid you being seen in public with a known escort. Despite Seattle’s sex positivity, there are still few places where escorts and our clients are truly and openly welcome. When choosing a Seattle Escort, balance your attraction to her face (which I have fallen prey to myself) with your need for discretion.
After pictures are prices. There are many opinions within the escorting world about rates but no one disagrees that they are rarely low. Rates for Seattle escorts easily start at 500$ per hour and can go as high as two thousand dollars for a single appointment. While my rate structure implies 500$ per hour, my ninety minute minimum appointment means a new client is looking at shelling out 750$ at least. I and my beloved clients feel it is worth it, all things considered, but for you it may rule me and many others out. Most Seattle Escorts have rates listed in their ads. If they do not, they should have a section on their website specifically for rates. You should never have to ask an Escort for their rates.
A note on rates: Before you start looking for your Seattle Escort, have an idea of what you can realistically spend once a month. You may want to visit more or less often, but it’s a good baseline. Some clients spend lavishly and others save up for their birthday every year. Have a budget in mind before you start letting Junior make your decisions.
Now that pictures and prices have narrowed down your options, you get to dive in. Most serious Seattle Escorts have a website. They are usually divided into sections such as about me, rates, contact, etiquette, and galleries. You’ve seen pictures (though websites often have more photos than ads) and rates, now you get to read what they write. You’re moving into the in-between space of you choosing your escort, and her choosing you. In the etiquette (sometimes called expectations) page, she will outline your next steps. Usually that involves some kind of screening, and an appointment request.
A tip on checking out your Escort: A few years ago, a new law was passed that made it harder for Escorts to advertise transparently. We lost access to reviews, the main consumer protection method, and had to verify ourselves elsewhere. Seattle escorts who had not had social media before this legislation began using spaces like twitter, snapchat, instagram, and for me, reddit, to offer insights into our personalities. We post candid images, quotes and quips, sometimes special deals, and other social media whatnot for our clients to review as a way of showing our “realness” for lack of a better phrase. If your escort has social media, she will usually link to them from her website. Go take a look!
You’ve scanned the advertising platforms, you’ve picked out the ones that attract you the most, you’ve ruled out the ones that are too expensive, and you’ve browsed website and social media for those who remain. You’re ready to reach out and schedule an appointment to meet your first Seattle Escort.
Now you’re ready for screening. Because of the current legal and social climate, the vast majority of Escorts will screen their clients. We are screening out vice cops, creeps, violent people, and sometimes just folks we really don’t think we’ll like. Many escorts accept referrals or references from other escorts you’ve seen before. If you’ve seen escorts in cities outside of Seattle, they may consent to vouch for you with a new escort. For those who don’t accept references, or if you don’t have references yet, you will almost certainly be asked to verify your identity. This may mean sending a selfie of you holding your drivers license, it might mean a link to your work profile on LinkedIn or your business’ official website, maybe for those working in education or government, an email with a innocent code phrase to your work address may suffice. However your escort prefers to verify you is how you’ll be verified.
So many things about screening. First: it’s important. Between law enforcement, opportunists, targeted violence, and simply compatibility, screening is how you offer your escort the same assurances she’s offered you. It’s also why it’s so important for you to take a few days to choose your escort before reaching out. You want to see someone you’re sure will be who she says she is. She wants the same.
Second: everyone screens differently. Old school escorts may ask for a phone call. Xennials might want you to snap chat them. Some escorts ask for deposits, others operate on a two-call system (you get directions to a place near them where they can see you. Once they have eyes on you, they give directions to their door). Some escorts use their intuition and others have a strict protocol. I strongly recommend avoiding providers who don’t ask you for anything at all. They will rarely be legitimate, reliable, or experienced.
Finally: Be patient, be open, but don’t be gullible. There are too many good, reliable escorts here in Seattle for you to waste your time or money on someone who won’t show up on time, won’t be good company, or won’t keep your information safe. We encourage each other to follow our gut, no questions asked. You should, too. If someone seems too good to be true, she isn’t.
Yay!! You’ve found your Seattle Escort, you’ve screened her and she’s screened you, you’ve set a date and you’re on your way! Congratulations! Now take a deep breath, make sure you scrubbed between those booty cheeks and put on deodorant, and put a couple extra twenties in your wallet in case she is better in person than you expected. You might be nervous. That’s ok. Relax and have fun, try to let go of any lists or agendas, and…

Sha la la la la la Don’t be shy!